69 Imperial Turn Signal Issues (Sequential) & Interior Door Lights


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2019
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Maryville, Tennessee
I need some advice concerning the turn signals on my 69 Imperial. The car has the factory sequential turn signals. I started the car yesterday for it to warmup and checked the signals and all worked fine.

I drove the car today and the fender mounted turn indicators do not light when activating the turn signals for either side. When I use the brakes both fender mounted indicators light up if I use the turn signal for either side. When I got back home I checked the back lights and the driver side blinks all of the driver's side tail lights at the same time (no sequential effect working) using the turn signal. The passenger side tail lights did not work when I used the blinker, but the front turn signal on the passenger side worked. I can hear the flasher blinking when I activate the turn signal.

Would this be an indicator a bulb(s) has blown on the passenger side tail lights? I did change the factory tail light sequencer to the Cougars unlimited digital controller several years ago.

I also have a question about the lights in each of the doors (4-door) at the bottom. The only light that currently works when you open the doors is the driver's side rear door. For a test I pulled the bulb from the front driver's door and it worked in the driver's rear door fine. When I put it back in the driver's front door, nothing happens.

Not sure what may be causing this on 3 of the 4 doors. Would this be a gound issue?

As you can tell electrical issues are not one of my strengths. I would appreciate any guidance someone may provide and I am sure this may be comical to the more experienced people on this site. Thank you in advance!
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I need some advice concerning the turn signals on my 69 Imperial. The car has the factory sequential turn signals. I started the car yesterday for it to warmup and checked the signals and all worked fine.

I drove the car today and the fender mounted turn indicators do not light when activating the turn signals for either side. When I use the brakes both fender mounted indicators light up if I use the turn signal for either side. When I got back home I checked the back lights and the driver side blinks all of the driver's side tail lights at the same time (no sequential effect working) using the turn signal. The passenger side tail lights did not work when I used the blinker, but the front turn signal on the passenger side worked. I can hear the flasher blinking when I activate the turn signal.

Would this be an indicator a bulb(s) has blown on the passenger side tail lights? I did change the factory tail light sequencer to the Cougars unlimited digital controller several years ag
This could be a few things. I'm not at all familiar with the Cougars Unlimited piece, although I have admired a two legged cougar or two, but I digress. My first thing to check is grounds to the lights. That often gives a symptom where both sides will light.

Another strong possibility is the turn signal switch. You'll need a voltmeter, the factory service manual and some patience. You have power in and some out, so it would seem fuses are good, but because of that sequencer, I'd just look for a blown fuse as possibly you are getting some weird power feedback.

That brings me to the sequencer. As I said, I'm not familiar, but I'd be tempted to disconnect and bypass the sequencer just to be sure that there isn't an electrical quirk that's causing the problem.
I also have a question about the lights in each of the doors (4-door) at the bottom. The only light that currently works when you open the doors is the driver's side rear door. For a test I pulled the bulb from the front driver's door and it worked in the driver's rear door fine. When I put it back in the driver's front door, nothing happens.

Not sure what may be causing this on 3 of the 4 doors. Would this be a gound issue?
Again, could be a few things. The door jamb switches work by providing ground to the dome light. The dome light has power to it all the time. Here's what I would do. Unscrew a door jamb switch on a door that doesn't work. Best to try something besides the driver door just to make it easier. Once unscrewed, carefully pull it out. There should be a yellow wire connected to the switch. I've seen these disconnected because someone didn't want their car to light up at night, but if the wire is there, ground it and see if the light works. You should be able to ground it right against the side of the threaded hole. If it lights, it's the switch. If it doesn't the wires might be disconnected somewhere.

I know you checked the bulb on one door, but the others could be bad... or the sockets could be corroded and not able to connect to the bulb contacts. I've also seen bulbs that the contacts are just screwed up enough to work in one socket, but not another. A voltmeter or test light probed to the contacts in the sockets will tell you if you have power to them.

A cheap voltmeter or test light can be had at Harbor Freight. Even their dirt cheap meter will do the job here and is a good piece to have in your toolbox. A factory service manual (FSM) can be had on eBay. I like these 1969 Chrysler CD-ROM Repair Shop Manual Imperial New Yorker 300 Newport as you can print out the page of the FSM and highlight whatever wiring you need to rather than messing up a paper manual. They need to make them on a thumb drive, and I think there may be others doing that. Just look for "factory authorized reproduction" or some wording like that so you get a good copy. If you really need to, you can get a '70 FSM in a free download here. It should be close, but I would still suggest finding a '69 version. MyMopar
Hi Big John,

Thank you for the information! I worked on the car today and made progress. Long story short, the tail light sockets were filthy and the drivers side tail light had water behind the lens. So, I pulled all of the bulbs and cleaned the sockets with electrical contact degreaser, then electrical contact cleaner. I noticed several of the sockets do not have the spring, or collapsible action anymore when you insert the bulb. They were very stiff. I applied a light coating of dielectric grease to the bulb bases and installed bulbs back in the sockets.
Then, I checked the fuse for the taillights and the turn signals. Neither one looked bad, but I replaced both anyway. I do not have a multimeter yet, but plan on getting one.

I also checked the door jamb switch. The switch is getting power, so I checked the front driver door socket with a test light and it has no power. The socket contacts look good. I will have to look further into this one to see what is happening.

I have another question. Do you know if it is hard to change the bulb sockets in the tail light housing? As I said earlier, several do not collapse when you insert the bulbs. They are getting power but they are dimmer than the other lights. I am thinking if the stiff sockets were replaced the lights will illuminate the same brightness. I am open to any advice.

Thank you again sir!