For Sale $6k will put your favorite shellfish on wheels ('72 Newp in KC)

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Still waiting on an explanation of the tag.


Me Too.

ive got no "dog in the fight" with any member about their posts. i just cant go there.

i just wanna know ...with respect to all knowledgable people, if there is documentation we ALL can see/refer to/objectively prepared from Chrysler back in the day if thats possible ... that shows E99 and D99 code definition.

a real fusie chrysler brand factory equipped cop spec rig? i started a thread on this over a year ago here. been looking for 20+ years for one. vowed to buy first good one i could find.

Chrysler-badged Fusie Cop Cars?

i wouldnt talk much about it. just confirm authenticity, try to buy it, send my guys to pick it up if succesful :)
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I contacted the guy back in September asking what made his car a police pursuit. Apparently it's the seat belts! I had asked for a body tag pic but he never sent one to me
:drama::steering::pIt's no patience not arrogance with you people
You don't get it and you never will.
Put me on ignore and Just answer the questions.
As you all have no clue who i am - this is so much fun.
Lot's of you might know me...I have been around a long time - at one time long ago I was very visible in the mopar world . Thank you for the laughs and entertainment.

My post count has nothing to do with my knowledge base.
If any of you want this car you better get ahead of me today.
I am parked at a motel and a one day drive from MO at the moment.

like in who gives a **** as there are no doubts that there are things you are totally ignorant about yourself.
Me Too.

ive got no "dog in the fight" with any member about their posts. i just cant go there.

i just wanna know ...with respect to all knowledgable people, if there is documentation we ALL can see/refer to/objectively prepared from Chrysler back in the day if thats possible ... that shows E99 and D99 code definition.

a real fusie chrysler brand factory equipped cop spec rig? i started a thread on this over a year ago here. been looking for 20+ years for one. vowed to buy first good one i could find.

i wouldnt talk much about it. just confirm authenticity, try to buy it, send my guys to pick it up if succesful :)
I think you should just buy it Ray and have it shipped over to your Detroit operations so I can have a look firsthand.:poke::lol:
View attachment 225057 I contacted the guy back in September asking what made his car a police pursuit. Apparently it's the seat belts! I had asked for a body tag pic but he never sent one to me

thanks for info dude69300

well heres all i found out about the Truman car.

Say it was Gov. Hearns car. Cool, unique i concede. What ,however, confirms it was same as Truman's car. Pics of tag or just an obvious visual ID?


I am still left with my original problem ... trying to confirm from an authoritative reference what E99 and D99 mean?

I am inclined, as many of you probably, there is something "special" about the powertrain with the E and D letters. Plus, federal and state fleet buyers, as some folks observed, could get whatever they wanted on these cars. Last, "Plain Jane" pursuit-class rigs are also common in federal/state govt service.

All that to say .. looking for pieces of authentic paper to convince me. Still this blue Newport has something "interesting" going on but not enough to get me to start wrting checks yet.

The Truman Car - Harry S Truman National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

The Truman Car
Harry Truman loved his cars. From his first car, a 1911 Stafford, to his last one, a 1972 Chrysler Newport, Harry took great pride in driving and maintaining his vehicles. He had his cars washed every few days, the upholstry vaccumed, and he never allowed smoking in his cars.

Parked in the garage behind the Truman Home at 219 N. Delaware, Harry Truman's last car, a light green 1972 Chrysler Newport, was purchased only six months before he passed. The car would be used by Bess until she passed in 1982. Truman traded in a 1969 Chrysler and purchased the '72 model in nearby Odessa, Missouri (always looking for the best deal). Supposedly, Harry picked the exterior color, while Bess picked the interior. With less than 19,000 miles on the odometer, the 4-door, 8-cylinder coupe is almost like new.

For the license plate number, Mr. Truman asked the state license bureau for 5745, the date of VE day in Europe, May 7th, 1945, just one day before his birthday on May 8th. The plate number has been permanently retired. The car was inherited by Margaret Truman upon the passing of her mother. Margaret donated the car to the National Park Service which still maintains the vehicle today. The car is visible to visitors to the Truman home during the summer season.

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post #42. B5 car seller wrote dude69300 indicating his car "exact duplicate" of Truman car. Obviously different colors. Both are 1972 Newports, both post sedans with vinyl roofs ... dunno beyond that if both are E99-D99 cars.

hope that clears up my point?

absent any documented poice spec authentication I can view, B5 car is still interesting but i leave this one where OneEyedEagle did at post #43. Good luck and hope it finds a good home.

post #42. B5 car seller wrote dude69300 indicating his car "exact duplicate" of Truman car. Obviously different colors. Both are 1972 Newports, both post sedans with vinyl roofs ... dunno beyond that if both are E99-D99 cars.

hope that clears up my point?

absent any documented poice spec authentication I can view, B5 car is still interesting but i leave this one where OneEyedEagle did at post #43. Good luck and hope it finds a good home.

View attachment 225097

Yes it did thank you ....
Still waiting on an explanation of the tag.


Sorry. I really don't have anything to add.

With the exception of the top, the tag looks legit to me. E99 and D99 are valid codes for 72.

IF the E86 engine and associated transmission were installed, that coding and explanation would make sense.

I'd love to the broadcast sheet to see the engine assembly and transmission PN. That would confirm some things.

This is another good reason WHY to collect as many tags and BS as possible. If you have a significant amount of data on hand, you can make comparisons and come to more logical conclusions as to how things were done or coded.
72 Newport tag.jpg

Off the top of my head The Chrysler Cs were built at Jefferson . They did tags differently than Belvedere and Newark.

The 99s indicate special order . So does the Y39 and the K in the order number
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Off the top of my head The Chrysler Cs were built at Jefferson . They did tags differently than Belvedere and Newark.

The 99s indicate special order . So does the Y39 and the K in the order number

the Y39 and K are intriquing. i do know Belvidere "D" plant code built C's 1975 at least. I have noted no differences between Jefferson, Newark, and Belvidere tags .. that dont mean anything except i havent seen any differences that i can recall. My 72 NJ FuryIII was built in Newark

No. I've never seen E99 D99 before.

THough I too have NEVER seen them that I recall until i saw this tag, the e99 and d99 could EXACTLY be what 69coronetRT and USSMopars say: cop engine (E86) and tranny (D32 or D36) in an otherwise civi car (no second letter "K" VIN or "A38" cop content), ordered by a "K" order fleet buyer (like a state police agency ordering for an elected official's detail).

That makes sense to me .. but not enough proof for me to spend any amount of money yet.

At $6k for this B5 car is a bargain for me. Why? i want a fusie Chrysler-brand cop rig. If this IS one of those cars, I'd a paid the $7500. NOT cuz i got tons of cash to throw around, but because I have wanted one for 20 years.

Others? never in a million years would they buy at that any where near that price. even if it truly is what it may be. Why? they dont care/not important to them, right?

thats called a "Free market" as we know: willing buyers and sellers figuring out what stuff is worth. C-Notes (currencies) or C-bodies .. same principles.

I just wish .. NOT dissin' B5 owner .. that sellers with stuff they believe is rare/special, at least show the documentation. No handwaving, shadow puppets, and fancy talk .. just show the paperwork IF they have it. They can redact sensitive info.

People who want documentation are usually the people who care enough/could have funds enough to buy such a car. Sometimes they are far away, or otherwise dont wanna waste anybody's time. That would be me.

Anyway, hope this mystery car is identified. Maybe somebody can go to Independence MO and pop the hood on old Harry's car and look for E99 and D99? :)
What I meant by that Ray is many times I dont see all the options listed on the tag from Jefferson as I do on the other two plant tags that built C's in that time frame .
View attachment 225104
The 99s indicate special order . So does the Y39 and the K in the order number

1968 - 1974 Mopar bodytag codes

"D99 Special Order Transmission (1972)"

The Imp Club folks agree. Stands to reason E99 means same thing for engines. Something "regular" cars didnt get .. usually "better"/"stronger" things in my experience. along with the K and Y39 especially.

I am becoming a believer ..on circumstantial evidence at least.

BTW ..see post #13 chief. D99 thing in a Limo we talked about. 72 limo, in my area
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1968 - 1974 Mopar bodytag codes

"D99 Special Order Transmission (1972)"

The Imp Club folks agree. Stands to reason E99 means same thing for engines. Something "regular" cars didnt get .. usually "better"/"stronger" things in my experience. along with the K and Y39 especially.

I am becoming a believer ..on circumstantial evidence at least.

BTW ..see post #13 chief. D99 thing in a Limo we talked about.

72 limo, in my area

Coming from the most nonreligious guy on the planet .... "Sometimes you gotta have faith "!!
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