For Sale 70 Newport convert 383 2v a/c Not Mine

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19 grand needing paint? Maybe I'm getting cheaper in my old age but I'm looking at a 10 - 12,000 car.
Looks like it has the ATC valve on the heater hoses, but the car has standard AC/Heat.

Interior is nice! Bench seat looks weird in a ragtop though.
If you drive around with someone whom you really like, or if you have a kid who loves riding with both parents up front, then it's hard to beat a bench.
If you're riding with someone else driving, and that person is 5'4" or shorter, you'll want to be in the back seat.

Give me bucket or split bench seats any day!!!

But I was talking about how they look; I prefer the look of a bucket seat ragtop... like mine.
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