when you are ready to JOIN the ELITE CLUB of 6BBL C body owners you know who to call!
Dan, don't be suprised if E Bay pulls your auction if they see the other cars listed in the auction. They don't want to give you any free advertising.on the bag now w-BUY IT NOW!
Not worth my time searching unless you tell me the B.I.N is only in three figures.
when you are ready to JOIN the ELITE CLUB of 6BBL C body owners
Now thats some funny stuff.............:laughing4:
You love it.funny how everywhere i post my cars for sale a huge fight erupts about it! LOL
Originally Posted by ph23vo
.....good luck in your hunt for a V code fury!
I'll take mine with an actual V in the VIN.
I've never seen a huge fight, just Dan defending his lack of sanity. Notice how his thread dies, then he posts to get it bumped, even I fall for it