Hello! The old screwdriver starts a Mopar by shorting the little ignition regulator (is this the right name?). How do I fix this? For some reason my mind goes blank when electrical issues pop up. Do I simply change the regulator?
Its called a STARTER RELAY ....
Make sure the ground wire for the neutral safety switch is hooked up
and that it is also plugged into the starter relay ...
As long as ignition switch is good you should be good to go .....
It could be the neutral safety switch itself, if I remember correctly you can take a jumper wire from the relay where the neutral safety switch connects to the battery ground to bypass the switch. Don't do this until someone else verifies that this is the way to do it and of course make sure the car is in park after doing the bypass because it would start in any gear without it.
The 3 prong wire to the switch on the transmission had come loose. Plugged it back up & good to go! It sure is nice when things are easy. Thanks for the help! Its nice to know I have this huge support group at the tip of my fingers. It makes me want to be helpful as well. Until next time... keep on rockin in the free world!