Old Man with a Hat
30" and full choke. She'd be a good bird hunting gun, or a nice challenge with skeet. It looks to be in really nice condition. It looks like it's been oiled or waxed like it should be.
Did you mean 1/2" which would be a little loose, but more or less normal? At 2" I'm surprised that it operates. This video might interest you, and a few others here.
This gun sat unused for about 20 years (it may have been used a few times early on), over the next 5-10 years it was used minimally. When we had an issue with the slide not locking it was put away, that was also about the time I and my brothers were getting married and we weren't going to the range. I'm divorced now, brother now lives on 20 acres where we can shoot, I'm looking to get this back in action.
I'll look at the action again this evening, I may have not looked at it clearly as I wasn't sure what I was looking for. It also may be related to the issue we have with the slide wanting to fly back upon firing.