72 Imp 2dr...triple white....

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I remember a constant skit in Johnny Carson's opening monologue:
Carson: "Boy, was it ever hot in L.A. today..."
Audience (shouting in unison): "HOW HOT WAS IT?!"
Carson: "It was so hot that...(fill in current event joke here)".

That's cute. Buy this car.
I felt severely deprived right around the age you are now.
Cost me tons of money I'll never see again....
I don't know if getting it out of your system is a good or bad thing.

Fine, I'll buy effin car then.
Congrats. I would have at your age, too.
And I get to rag on ya some more, young'n....
I get to build my dream car vicariously through your credit card.
I changed my mind when I took a close look at the right fender/grill. WTF?
Where you gonna get one?

I'm not buying another C unless it is 100% complete & rust free.
NO! I told you I'm now smart enough to let you young'ns make the stupid decisions to prove your manhood.
You're not a man, yet.... :poke:.
C'mon young stud. Buy that Newport.
You're hilarious. ;)

I really don't need a project right now.
All talk around here...
Look to the north west.....
Here's one for you. She is just down the road from me up for auction.

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Didn't know you're hooked on Mercurys. :)
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