I'm going to rebuild the 727 in my Newport myself. Does anybody have any suggestions on upgrades? I don't know if it is a lockup or not until I get it apart.
I think you would be better off trying to find a BB lock up trans and putting it in, I got a cool pdf file I downloaded to my phone from www.mymopar.com tells you what the trans came from using the numbers on left side of pan rail. I know that if you can see the input shaft there is a snout sticking out in front of input splines, I would guess that if you found a small block 727 lock up you can tranfer inneLockup? I learn something new every day. I thought the only lock-ups were 904s and 518s. Are lockup converters retro-fittable to earlier transmissions?Whateverr you decide, make sure to show us lots of pictures. I'm a little ways away from rebuilding my trans, but I'm leaning towards doing it myself, too.
Lockup? I learn something new every day. I thought the only lock-ups were 904s and 518s. Are lockup converters retro-fittable to earlier transmissions?
Whatever you decide, make sure to show us lots of pictures. I'm a little ways away from rebuilding my trans, but I'm leaning towards doing it myself, too.
Different input shafts but is do-able with the right parts.
Torque converters are different too.
That's a good price the demand is probably way down on those by now I guess
Torque converters are different too.
I believe 1978 was the only year Chrysler offered a big block lock up torque converter.
I thought that was implied by the input shaft being different.
78 and up can have either type of input shaft, thus convertor. According to the bible.