73 New Yorker - PS Fluid Leak


New Member
Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Guys, I've got a small PS fluid leak from near to where the return line attaches to the steering gear. Not from the actual hose connection itself but from where the unit that the hose attaches to joins the valve body. The part I'm talking about is the one in the image below that is secured by the 2 small (7/16"?) bolts. Is there a gasket here that can easily be replaced?

2015-09-25 13.15.35.jpg

2015-09-25 13.15.35.jpg
when you take this off you have to adj. it when you put it back on. this is how you adj. the pump to center the steering wheel. get the front tires off the ground. fix valve(2 orings)put back on and snug it down. start car making SURE your arms or hands aren't in the wheel cause it will turn right or left. peck on the valve to make it slide one way or the other, doesn't take much till the wheel stops moving on it's own. turn the wheel a couple times to make sure it stops were you put it. make dam sure you arm is not sticking thru the wheel when you start the car cause it will dam sure break you arm. i'm talking about the valve this alum. piece bolts to with 2 half in. bolts. i replaced all the orings on mine.
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