75 Gran Fury For Sale Very Clean

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1975 Plymouth Gran Fury

Doesn't anyone proofread any more??? Here. Seems like I gotta do all the work around here... http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/cto/2767369522.html
That's a very nice Grand Fury you have there here's a picture of mine.
I sold this car a couple of years ago and never removed the post, forgive me please. Man who has the car now contacted me and told me you guys are ripping the car just like when I posted it. What gives? A super clean 40 year old Mopar and I got a bunch of negative comments that car was only worth 3500 bucks, it sold for twice that. Do any of you "Mopar Experts" guys even own a vintage Mopar? Are you jealous? Green with envy over this car? Grow Up! Get out there in the market and look at the rusted out worn out old junkers that are selling for 3000 to 4000. You guys sit in front of your computers like judges and knock a nice clean original 40 year old Mopar Coupe, its making you look bad and its knocking Mopar down.
Do any of you "Mopar Experts" guys even own a vintage Mopar? Are you jealous? .
Please look at my signature.
As well as the signatures and avatars of many of our members.
We eat eat, drink, and chit, C-body Mopars.
So, you suckered the present flipper. Well played.

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Please look at my signature.
As well as the signatures and avatars of many of our members.
We eat eat, drink, and chit, C-body Mopars.
So, you suckered the present flipper. Well played.

Posted via Topify on Android

What does Topify mean Stan?

Some kind of badge of C bodymanship?
It's an Android App that reformats vBulletin forums such as FCBO so that it's easier to navigate while on a tablet or smart phone.

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Gran fury

Please look at my signature.
As well as the signatures and avatars of many of our members.
We eat eat, drink, and chit, C-body Mopars.
So, you suckered the present flipper. Well played.

Posted via Topify on Android
Defending myself to a self appointed "Mopar Expert" in your court is hardly worth my time. I owned the Fury for 2 years and really enjoyed it, if that is your concept of a flip Lord Bless you. Current owner is looking to sell because his wife now wants a Nova. Does that make him a flipper? I recently sold a 69 M code dart for 20K, very restorable, was that over priced? It was for sale for a whole 24 hours and I could have sold 20 of them if I had them. I also own a 73 Cuda, show quality, 67 Coronet 440, show quality and other Mopars. These cars are not for sale but if they were I would sell them quick for 32K and 22K. I'm not going to get into a mindless piss fight with a person who has insulted me with false accusations of "suckering" others. You just go on with your delusions of grandeur in the Mopar World, dictating your self righteous venom from the throne of your keyboard. And folks if you have a car for sale, don't let these "experts" set the price for you. Lord Bless
Please look at my signature.
As well as the signatures and avatars of many of our members.
We eat eat, drink, and chit, C-body Mopars.
So, you suckered the present flipper. Well played.

Posted via Topify on Android
Defending myself to a self appointed "Mopar Expert" in your court is hardly worth my time.
Yet, you did. You must be retired...

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