Back when the Formals were new, I liked them a lot. Styling and engineering, both. But most I saw were 4-drs and almost all had vinyl roofs (except for some of the more basic Plymouth or Dodge models. The vinyl roofs helped to break up the large amount of color, both in color changes and textures (via the vinyl roof and related moldings). So FEW vinyl-less cars back then, from what I saw.
So, seeing one in a more modest color and vinyl-less, we can see the stark beauty of the car and its lines. Understated, very nicely. Same with some Cadillac coupes, too.
The Cordoba wire wheel covers are a nice touch, when it would have been more popular to have the W23s on it. Which also plays into the car having few options and solid wheel covers from the factory. A nice touch, though, that keeps it "period correct" and classy.
Back then, the general orientation was "more is better", plus the appearance of the two-page window sticker (especially if the dealer type it and they ordered everything separately rather than in option groups). Here, we have a "lesser is more" situation that was added to by "somebody", but done in a modest manner.
I understand keeping everything original, but with the liberties already taken, it might be nice to re-engineer that under hood "mess" by looming the rubber hoses and possibly updating to a good aftermarket EFI system. Plus a Sanden-style a/c compressor used in the 1980s by Chrysler. AND . . . making it all look like it came that way to the non-Mopar observer!
That beautiful "work of art" needs to find a good home for continued preservation and enjoyment!