For Sale 78 NYB Not for sale yet but soon

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Right, I know those are not the W13 Premium covers Cantflip posted, they are the Premier.

On the Premium Wheel cover the faux center cap has the Chrysler Ny'er emblem and its red, black, and chrome.
Hey Cantflip....those aren't Premium covers. Thanks anyway and let me if something comes up!
Oops, sorry... I knew what you wanted as soon as I saw your reply.
Right, I know those are not the W13 Premium covers Cantflip posted, they are the Premier.
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Thanks fellas... Great references from you both.

For the most part, I buy stuff that may be useful to me someday. I'd consider a full set in cherry condition, even though I don't really want/need them, but I wouldn't put myself through assembling a set I didn't want.

Robert, I rarely see those Premiums come around, but Murray might have some. He's no beginner, so I'm sure he knows exactly what he wants for them if he does. I missed a partial set of Imperial covers that I later spotted in Murray's camp last year... I'm not really disappointed, he knows what he has a market for. I enjoy the search more than the find... I'll keep you in mind if I see nice ones.

My 76 came with a decent full set of the standard covers, but they are my least favorite of the covers shown... They'll stay just because I think that I may just get sick of Road Wheels someday. When everybody has them, the appeal fades.
To be clear, cantflip did post a pic of Premium wheel covers, just not the 78 version...I think those were 76-77.
Went by today and card was gone. Knocked and al I heard was barking. Will go by on Saturday.
That's ominous...she didn't look ready to move on her own... but, maybe a trip to the tire store and some much needed love in her future?
Maybe I''m mistaken but it's the W-13 wheel covers that I always thought was the Premium type. Anyway, now that we have that straight, Anybody have a nice set of 4-5 W-13's?? LOL!
Contact made!!! Meeting the widow next week.

I feel like Wayne “I’m so sorry for your loss” Carini
Use the line....

“The last thing your husband wanted before he died was to make sure the car was cared for”

Contact made!!! Meeting the widow next week.

I feel like Wayne “I’m so sorry for your loss” Carini
Coming soon on MotorTrend, Javier's home of wayward Formals.
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I keep going back and looking at the a feeling you're gonna get a helluva deal :thumbsup:

It's gonna look like a whole different car with the flat fixed and a good wash n wax!!!
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