Thank you for instilling in me my dislike of Japanese cars.
Buy American.
Amen ! I feel the Same way.
Now we have the Chinese Virus Unleashed upon the world .,Thanks Asia , Once again.
Thank you for instilling in me my dislike of Japanese cars.
Buy American.
Yikes, I thought digging foxholes in the Georgia clay was rough, they must go through E-tools like crazy!If you are infantry, doubly bad as the post is located on top of a glacial moraine
I haven't been to Pearl Harbor....... but its on my bucket list.
My "Wish List" during the 20 years I was in the Army.....
1. Hawaii
2. Alaska
3. Ft. Lewis, Washington
I probably knew from Day 1 in the Army being in Armored Cavalry and Heavy Artillery that my chances of getting an assignment to Hawaii or Alaska was slim to none. I put Ft. Lewis, Washington as my 3rd choice hoping I would get assigned to Ft. Lewis at least once in 20 years and drive to Alaska. Hopeful dreams for 20 years!
Three places that just get to me.
That pear Harbor memorial, Gettysburg and Normandy.
Stand at one of these sites early in the morning quiet is eerie.
I might add the Flight 93 site too for the reverence guests show when visiting.
Robert E Lees house is there too.update:
I have to add Arlington Cemetery to my list also. Although I was a kid when I last really spent time there in 1966. The Unknown Solder, Eternal Flame and just the mass of white markers was moving. At that time the permanent Kennedy Eternal Flame site was under construction with just the flame and the three grave markers in place.
I believe the entire cemetery was Lee’s property and taken as spoils of war.Robert E Lees house is there too.
I believe the entire cemetery was Lee’s property and taken as spoils of war.
Yes, it's close.Is the Pearl Harbor facility near Honolulu airport? I recall the airforce (I think) base as we landed.
I haven’t been to Krakow, but did visit Dachau. Similar experience.The place that moved me the most of any WWII site was Krakow Poland. Sitting in a gas chamber and walking into the barracks. I swear the surrounding area still has a smell, an unmistakable smell. It's a place I won't ever forget.
I haven’t been to Krakow, but did visit Dachau. Similar experience.