9,000 MILE 73 Gran Coupe!

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That was a joke, Stan. I know the difference between accept & except. Many of my fellow Americans apparently do not.
Thank gawd there's a few literates around. Keeps my hopes up.

Here's what I hate!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rant:

".... new axel beerings and breaks need bled..."
Because I have standards from the fifties and sixties which was considered MINIMUM at the time??

I konw where you are coming from. I remember the drills learning the difference between 'to', 'too' and two. . .
Cell phones destroyed English grammar to smithereens and is the ruination of an educated society.
It has destroyed English grammar so badly that I see errors in newspapers, once the bastion of grammatical rules, and print advertising full of errors. And no one notices or cares.
Good and bad grammar is what separates how you are seen by others.
By the way, listen to Obama's speeches, especially when off the cuff. Absolutely horrible.

"America's got to..."
Cell phones destroyed English grammar to smithereens and is the ruination of an educated society.
It has destroyed English grammar so badly that I see errors in newspapers, once the bastion of grammatical rules, and print advertising full of errors. And no one notices or cares.
Good and bad grammar is what separates how you are seen by others.
By the way, listen to Obama's speeches, especially when off the cuff. Absolutely horrible.

"America's got to..."

Don't get me started on the newspapers. Just recently, I have given up (sorry. . . I gave up) reading the newspaper on the train on the way to work. I found myself mentally editing each and every article I read. Not only did I correct the grammar, but I also corrected passive voice sentences to reflect active voice (see above). Aren't the hiring managers demanding writing samples from the "reporters" and "journalists" they hire ?

I am mostly fed up, however, with the lazy-*** reporting; the real story is never reported. We get only cut and pasted abbreviated details of events (from some news wire, I guess) with no explanation of WHY they occurred; hence, the REAL story is never told. I wonder: what is the editor at The Post doing ? Is no one checking anyone's work down there ?

The old Chrysler ads were pretty good though. . .
Don't forget all the editting in newspapers is done in India now. WTF do they know about proper English?
The Editor no longer checks the copy and pencils in his "redlining".
The downward spiral started back in the 60's. Proper grammar is a lost art and I'm as guilty as most. The last grammar class I took was in grade 6 English. Nothing in secondary school and nothing in university. My essays always came back full or corrections.
Don't forget all the editting in newspapers is done in India now. WTF do they know about proper English?
The Editor no longer checks the copy and pencils in his "redlining".


You must have done that on purpose. Right?
Lol, yes. Actually, I did type editting and spell check caught it but I said screw it, I'lll leave it and see if anyone catches it.

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Don't forget all the editting in newspapers is done in India now. WTF do they know about proper English?
The Editor no longer checks the copy and pencils in his "redlining".

Actually English is the secondary national language of the nation, a legacy of the British Empire. It is used as the primary business language for transactions across India and internationally.

$6288 with three days left & the reserve has not been met. Two guys both seem to want her pretty badly.

$6288 with three days left & the reserve has not been met. Two guys both seem to want her pretty badly.
As you desire, sir.

BTW I've never seen an auction where the listing of bidders has both private and non-private bidding. Red Flag.

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