My 72 Imperial (Big Red) loves the camera I thought I'd indulge her with a video snippet. Add more videos as time passes. She's pretty photogenic.

Thanks Oliver...She's a big part of my life...not expecting everyone to love her...But, she is pretty awesome to see in person. Great styling by the designers in 72-73 in my opinion.Big Red is the star of FCBO.
That is nice. What mufflers and tire size would have installed?
I'll try to get photo of mufflers later today.That is nice. What mufflers and tire size would have installed?
Life is too short for trailer queens...I love drivers...and cruisin in my barges in most weather. I draw the line with hail.aaaaYep there goes the resale value... 'Never seen snow'.. lol
As promised...these are loud.That is nice. What mufflers and tire size would have installed?