
Oct 25, 2015
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southaven ms
Any one replace the entire A/C and heater in a 1965 Sport Fury? Took mine out when I started to rebuild my car, now needing to see if anyone had any luck replacing them. Not sure the one I had worked.
That's a huge topic.
Are you wanting to go aftermarket for the interior components, or rebuild the factory?
I've seen some good threads on here just on the underhood AC parts, and the vacuum switch on the back of the slider-controller and vacuum pots/servos are also part of the system.
Reportedly the AC heater core has been reproduced (perhaps labeled as a B-body part?).
Underhood, there is the use of the oroginal RV2 compressor vs a modern Sanden, and IIRC there are 2 versions of Sanden and 1 has an advantage in some situations.

I'd recommend searching/reading for a few hours and copy/pasting people's posts into a document of some sort so you can absorb it all.
Any one replace the entire A/C and heater in a 1965 Sport Fury? Took mine out when I started to rebuild my car, now needing to see if anyone had any luck replacing them. Not sure the one I had worked.

Any one replace the entire A/C and heater in a 1965 Sport Fury? Took mine out when I started to rebuild my car, now needing to see if anyone had any luck replacing them. Not sure the one I had worked.
Restoring my 65 SF. Replaced standard dash for one with A/C and put in entire new unit. I put Vintage Air in my 66 GTO last year and used existing control switches. I am putting Old Air in my 65 but using new controls and putting under dash (you can put them where you like) and leaving the dash looking original including nonfunctional controls merely for looks. Fit in well but if you put in new compressor, you will need a bracket for the compressor. Mine is attached to new serpentine set up - the old compressor looks like a old V2 engine. Attaching picture of a/c compressor and hose run under hood.

That's a huge topic.
Are you wanting to go aftermarket for the interior components, or rebuild the factory?
I've seen some good threads on here just on the underhood AC parts, and the vacuum switch on the back of the slider-controller and vacuum pots/servos are also part of the system.
Reportedly the AC heater core has been reproduced (perhaps labeled as a B-body part?).
Underhood, there is the use of the oroginal RV2 compressor vs a modern Sanden, and IIRC there are 2 versions of Sanden and 1 has an advantage in some situations.

I'd recommend searching/reading for a few hours and copy/pasting people's posts into a document of some sort so you can absorb it all.
not really going back original but would like it to use the vents in my car now. don't really want or have room to put the under dash vents. as far as under the hood , I don't mind having aftermarket parts.. The car is really a Frankenstein anyway. but I love the look of these old cars
That's a huge topic.
Are you wanting to go aftermarket for the interior components, or rebuild the factory?
I've seen some good threads on here just on the underhood AC parts, and the vacuum switch on the back of the slider-controller and vacuum pots/servos are also part of the system.
Reportedly the AC heater core has been reproduced (perhaps labeled as a B-body part?).
Underhood, there is the use of the oroginal RV2 compressor vs a modern Sanden, and IIRC there are 2 versions of Sanden and 1 has an advantage in some situations.

I'd recommend searching/reading for a few hours and copy/pasting people's posts into a document of some sort so you can absorb it all.
definitely going aftermarket, just wondered if anyone had any luck with one brand or another.
definitely going aftermarket, just wondered if anyone had any luck with one brand or another.
Found the Vintage air in my GTO very noisy, too noisy! I am not overly impressed with the cooling but than again it is a convertible and this is Arizona. It will be interesting to hear and feel the Old Air I am installing in my 65 SF.
Found the Vintage air in my GTO very noisy, too noisy! I am not overly impressed with the cooling but than again it is a convertible and this is Arizona. It will be interesting to hear and feel the Old Air I am installing in my 65 SF.
Did you just build it , or is there one on their website you can get for a 65 SF
Did you just build it , or is there one on their website you can get for a 65 SF
Work with an installer. Know people people who tried it themselves, ran into problems and have to find someone to clean up the problems. Tricky business.

Regarding model/type, ask around and again ask an installer and get recommendations from local people. Both Vintage and old Air will work; they just need the know the applications for different nuances.

Before selecting an installer; possibly, look at their work. Can’t stess that enough! “Many are called but few are chosen!” Putting a/c in and getting it working without problems is a minefield.
Work with an installer. Know people people who tried it themselves, ran into problems and have to find someone to clean up the problems. Tricky business.

Regarding model/type, ask around and again ask an installer and get recommendations from local people. Both Vintage and old Air will work; they just need the know the applications for different nuances.

Before selecting an installer; possibly, look at their work. Can’t stess that enough! “Many are called but few are chosen!” Putting a/c in and getting it working without problems is a minefield.
Yes, of course. Lucky for me my husband is an AC man. (he's been doing it for years ) I was just trying to get the jump on where to get the equipment from and any idea as to what needs to be ordered. And what kind of problems people ran into.
I was just trying to get the jump on where to get the equipment from and any idea as to what needs to be ordered. And what kind of problems people ran into.

And that's why I recommended to do some digging - I've read enough of the threads, and seen enough of the details, that nobody is going to regurgitate all of it here.
Deciding compressor type, controller type, and aftermarket box style are your major tasks. (all else is details)

I would say that deciding the aftermarket box is job #1.
Decide if you want a 'full' unit that does heat and AC, or want to keep your OEM heater box and use just an add-on AC.
If you have 2 separate boxes, the only AC vents you'll have are what's on the box.
If you installed a factory AC dash, with a 'full' heat/AC unit, you could use the factory dash vents. Changing the dash is a job, but might be a prudent part of installing a full box/controls.
For me - all in one seems to make more sense, as you get new heat also - unless you never use heat. In which case, deleting the heater box and putting an AC unit in its place might make sense?

If you have a console - this might limit under-dash AC box fitment.

(those are not questions you need to answer to me, those are for you :) )