A little perspective on how trivial the drama here has been...


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2012
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This is a copy of the email I sent out this morning.... :BangHead:

I have exceed my limits for how horribly sickened I am at this point and how disheartening it is being a part of this family.

Evidently creating hate and discontent is the only thing that pathetic, self loathing people feel good doing.

It is physically sickening how repulsive and toxic some individuals in this family have become. They have wasted so much energy and years of changing and growing lies, that they must have no time left to look at themselves and see what they have become. I have never wronged any of these morons. They can exchange all the lies about me that they want... Reality still prevails, as I can enter an empty room and quality people will always accumulate around me, and the better and longer that they know me, the better they like me and they will defend me and my character. Our lives are short, the memory of your true character will be the only thing left behind.

What kind of a no brained moron tells a story of my "screwing everyone out of the farm when Mom was on her death bed", in a room filled with people that cashed the checks from my payments on a contract for deed that they all know existed before Mom was ever sick??? Nearly as bad are the people that sit and listen to this and say nothing when they know it is absolute crap in every way.

Strange how Gary and Karen are so vindictive over a BS twisted story told by an in-law that lies as much as they do, when Gary himself shot Dave Hacecky's friendly yellow lab, while showing their Pastor's son "One shot, one kill". If they really believed that I ever wronged them in any way, they could confront me on whatever supposed issue they have... I have documentation countering the years of slanderous BS, but the few that beat these lies to death and build on them year after year, already know this.

What kind of sub-human scum poisons someone's dog over the word of another chronic POS liar? You have a problem with me, you bring it to me you FN cowards. (Gail, feel free to forward this to the FN cowards)

As far as I'm concerned I buried half of this ****-bag excuse for a family when I buried Oz last night.

Oz had better character than any person that I know. Far better than myself, and completely unaware of the hatred in this world and that it would cause him such a cruel early end. He never had anything but happiness in his heart, and he shared it always with anyone in his presence. They say you are lucky to have one exceptionally good dog in your lifetime... I had 2. Oz gave me years of cheap therapy, he was a great comrade that worked every day with his cheerful quirks for a smile in return and a pat on the head.

Maybe it's time to let some crazy woman in my life, and teach her shoot, not to take treats from the neighbors and kick certain in-laws in the face at family functions.

Sincerely PO,
Ozzy Sept 2003 (7).jpgOz Dec 07.jpgOz 2011 (9).jpgOzzy 6 months.JPGOz May 2007-1.jpgOzzy Sept 2003 (8).jpgOz May 2007-2.jpg

Ozzy Sept 2003 (7).jpg

Ozzy Sept 2003 (8).jpg

Ozzy 6 months.JPG

Oz May 2007-1.jpg

Oz May 2007-2.jpg

Oz Dec 07.jpg

Oz 2011 (9).jpg
About the lowest thing I could think of. One situation that could even drive myself to kill.
My condolences to the loss of a true friend.
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I can not even begin to tell you how much this sickened me. And I know it's not 1/10th the rage and sadness of what you're feeling.
I scare myself sometimes when I think of what I would do had it been me.
I already have found out you are a far better man than I am.
I'm so sorry for the lose of your best friend in the world.

I just made a donation in Oz's memory to an animal welfare fund.
I want some good to come out of this, no matter how small.

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My heart goes out to you. I am truely blessed because I have a great dog and a great family. It makes it so hard when you have to deal with morans and they are your own family members. I obviously have no idea really what you are going through with you family, but I can with loosing a dog. To be dealing with both at the same time I can't even image.

Hang in there buddy, I enjoyed the pictures of your dog. My best friend growing up was my German Sheppard and the first dog my wife and I had was a German Sheppard, two of the best dogs I have ever had.
I thank you all sincerely.

It would truly make your skin crawl if you knew the history of my oldest brother and his wife. He is the oldest and I am the youngest of 9 children with a span of about 15 years. The next older brother than I is 8 years older, and like all the others he bailed as soon as he turned 18, so I was a substantial help to Dad and running heavy equipment since I was 9. Dad had some health problems since I was a kid, so I had my own outside employment since I was 15 to spend on my cars and such and never accepted payment from my parents. After I graduated, I would finish my day employment, then go do work for Dad, this continued even after I moved out until his passing when I was 28. They did what they felt was right and gave me the opertunity to buy the remaining 200 acres and no one made a peep until well over 2 years later after Mom passed away.

The oldest moved back from Colorado the 1st time Dad got cancer in the early 90s, and bought 32 acres 1 mile north of here, and he brought a big chip on his shoulder with plans to inheret everything with no reguard to the other remaining 6 siblings, as the Bible says that the oldest child shall inheret all of the parents property. He was so angry that he didn't get his way, he has been slandering his own Mother to this day with a complete horrid lie over the death of an infant sister to get pitty from the church and attempt to destroy his Mothers reputation at the same time... He is beyond repulsive. He has a record for embezzlement and they both have a substantial record with Social Services. They adopted older "unplaceable" girls for a showing at the church and substantial monthly checks from Colorado. The older girl skipped school to get an attorney to get emancipated at 17 because he was handsy in a bad way. Social Services took the younger girl away because of countless reports of physical abuse.

Him and his very evil wife (stuck a steak knife in her ex-husbands back) move every few years through small churches, make nicey nice with old decrepit people and when they die, or go to a nursing home they go to their place and lute or "inheret" whatever they please. Living only 1 mile down the road they know my work scedule, and have made off with who knows how many things until I sent the Sheriff to visit them. The evil wife is who I actually suspect is the one that poisoned Oz, as she walks or rides her bike past here whenever the weather is decent. (I think the steering is getting loose and the brakes are iffy on my pickup)

He actually recovered the 1st time and he was really doing well but I mistakenly let him be out on his chain on my porch on Tuesday when I went to work and they definetely gave him a heavy dose this time, and it was horrid what he went through. From perky and playful when I got home from work Wednesday to losing his abilty to stand up by 9pm except for a stored burst. If I got up and moved or went to the can he would try to follow me and collapse, so I sat on the floor with him while he rested his chin in my hand or on my leg through the whole night while he struggled to breath, having occasional seizures. I called the vet at 7am to get an appointment and he passed shortly after 8. It truly takes everything I have in me not to be in jail right now.
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Being an avid dog lover I am filled with emotion from your experience. I am familiar with people similar to what you describe and am simply at a loss for words.....I think they need a dose of poison in their next meal
I'm sickened from what I read!

I too know the loyalty and friendship of a German Shepard. My Dad had about 10 of them since I was a small kid. I'm sure there many days where you can swear that the actions and emotions of Oz is human!

I would think that you have caught wind of most of my family being evil also. Being so evil that I decided to live 1,000 miles from my family after I retired from the Army. My Parents understood..........it just wasn't worth going to prison for the rest of my life. And that probably would of happened had I decided to retire near my family.

So I hope you can grieve and keep yourself in check. Get restraining orders or whatever you need and just don't have any contact with those people anymore. The latter worked for me.


So sorry for your loss buddy. I can't even imagine what rage you must be dealing with. Stay true to your character, it will take you in the right direction every time. I would not want to be on the receiving end of what they have coming to them and I hope it comes to them sooner then later. RIP Oz! Don't know what any of us can do Has2b but its a safe bet that we're all here for the asking.
sorry to hear this........i think it makes us all sick. And you are a better man than I am, I would have visited them a long time ago.........and i'll reserve any further comments on how I would have dealt with it.
Hang in there buddy,I can't begin to imagine what you are going through right now,but I admire your restraint for not going ballistic,good Karma will come your way for it!
I thought this might cheer you up a little.

A police doggie in training.........

very cool, their lack of longevity has kept me from getting another.......... I need a long living lab
Most of them that we had live 10-12 years. Hips and arthritis usually cause problems. I'm going to wait until I'm totally retired before I get another German Shepard puppy.
God that is one cute pup!
10 years for a shepherd is long, by then thy're usually a mess. My heart strings cant handle that. I need longevity
You just never know, my 185 lb Great Dane will be 10 in June. Sure he's slowed down quite a bit but is still plugging away and is an amazing friend.
Dusenberg scared the crap out of me when I walked in your shop and he stood up. A true gentle giant always looking for a friend...and a snack. LOL!!! :cool: