Old Man with a Hat
This is the BEST way to find cars.....buried in a nice, dry protected garage space away from any outside elements. Nice find can't wait to see more.
Sounds like you're a fellow homebrewer. I will have to admit I don't have anything fermenting right now. My last brew was an IPA.
Nice! Does it run?
The short answer no. I actually haven't even tried yet because it hasn't been run for 30 years. I'm going to hook a battery up to it tomorrow. I probably won't try to start it yet. I honestly don't know what my approach should be to prepare it for it's first attempt.
Sweet. He backed the roll-off right into the garage. Talk about custom delivery!
Get a set of valve cover gaskets, new plugs and likely a carb kit.
Before you ever turn the engine over, remove the valve covers, rocker shafts and push rods, then spray your valve stems thoroughly with CRC, PB blaster or the like. Pour about 2 quarts of deisel mixed with a quart of transmission fluid down the carb and leave it for a week or so. I would rebuild the carb, file or replace your points, replace wheel cylinders, master cylinder etc. in the mean time.
When you have time to start it, pull out the spark plugs and spin the engine over until it spins freely. You may have to pour some trans fluid through it again during this process. Take a plastic dead blow or rubber hammer and bump all of the valves to be sure they are all moving freely. Replace the push rods, and rockers, spin it again with the starter being sure everything is returning freely, then put in your new spark plugs and valve covers and give it a go.
Also use a gallon jug fastened to the radiator support with a hose for a temporary fuel source to the fuel pump until you get your fuel tank cleaned out. I would put a little Marvel mystery oil or trans fluid in your gas also. (May also need a fuel pump)
Good luck, and nice car BTW.
Yeah, I hope he got an extra twenty.
Now you know all the neighbors next to where that car sat for thirty years are upset because they had no idea the car was there.