A scientific look at products to loosen nuts.


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
London, Ohio
I thought you guys might find this interesting.

Penetrating Oils Machinist's Workshop Mag recently published some information on various penetrating oils. The magazine reports they tested penetrates for break out torque on rusted nuts.

They are below, as forwarded by an ex-student and professional machinist. They arranged a subjective test of all the popular penetrates with the control being the torque required to remove the nut from a "scientifically rusted" environment.

*Penetrating oils ........... Average torque load to loosen*

No Oil used ................... 516 pounds
WD-40 ..................... ... 238 pounds
PB Blaster .................... 214 pounds
Liquid Wrench ...............127 pounds
Kano Kroil .................... 106 pounds
ATF* - Acetone mix............53 pounds

The ATF-Acetone mix is a " mix-your-own-brew" -- 50 - 50 automatic transmission fluid and acetone. Note this "home brew" released bolts better than any commercial product in this one particular test.

Our local machinist group mixed up a batch and we all now use it with equally good results. Note also that "Liquid Wrench" is almost as good as "Kroil" for about 20% of the price.

Steve from Godwin-Singer says that ATF-Acetone mix is best, but you can also use ATF and lacquer thinner in a 50-50 mix.
*ATF = Automatic Transmission Fluid
You were waiting to hear that.
Your fingers were trembling in anticipation to write that response. Admit it.
No Oil used ................... 516 pounds
WD-40 ..................... ... 238 pounds
PB Blaster .................... 214 pounds
Liquid Wrench ...............127 pounds
Kano Kroil .................... 106 pounds
ATF* - Acetone mix............53 pounds

There it is ..........
In this neck of the woods a bit of heat from a fire wrench works best!

This is true. Growing up on a farm, alot of times that is the only way we got parts apart. I was suprised how just al little bit of heat works. I can remember my Grandfather heating things up until they where red with the Oxy/Acedyline. I have had good results with the little bernzimatic propane torch.
do they keep the mystery in the Hall of Justice? So only the super-friends know the answer?

Marvel Mystery Oil®, boasting an enviable reputation among vehicle owners world-wide, is truly a legend of its own. From an auspicious beginning, it is now recognized as a product that has stood the test of time and continues to provide unsurpassed performance and benefits in motors in the automotive, industrial and marine world.

Burt Pierce founded the Marvel Oil Company in 1923. His reputation for ingenuity preceded him as he was already well-known for inventing the Marvel Carburetor, standard equipment on 80% of all vehicles produced after World War I.

Vehicles of the post WWI era encountered carburetor problems, the most perplexing being clogged jets due to high lead content and other contaminants found in the gasoline of the time. The problem motivated Mr. Pierce to direct his creative ingenuity towards formulating a blend of chemicals and petroleum products to clean and maintain clogged jets. He was successful beyond his wildest expectations and the legend was born!

“Mystery Oil”, as it was originally called, proved to have other beneficial effects on the engine. By creating a top ring seal, it produced higher compression and, by preventing blow-by on power strokes, it resulted in more power. Mystery Oil also improved gas mileage and minimized engine wear.

Initially based in Chicago, the company moved to New York City and then in 1941 moved to its long-time home in Port Chester, New York. In 1999, the Marvel Oil Company was acquired by Turtle Wax, Inc. and is now headquartered back in its hometown in the Chicago area.

Marvel Mystery Oil® continues to be an extremely relevant and effective product, even in today’s “high-tech” vehicles. With the cost of vehicle maintenance increasing every year, preventive maintenance is the key in avoiding astronomical repair bills.

Why the name Mystery Oil? Burt Pierce refused to divulge the formula for his new product and answered all inquiries as to its make-up with “It’s a Mystery!” The name caught on and is still recognized today for its “mysterious” ability to cure and prevent almost any engine ailment.
:laughing4: ...... you remember!

The good old days when you could only watch cartoons on Saturday morning. I can remember I had to get up at 7:30 to be able to watch Speed Racer and if I over slept I was very disappointed.
Marvel Mystery Oil®, boasting an enviable reputation among vehicle owners world-wide, is truly a legend of its own. From an auspicious beginning, it is now recognized as a product that has stood the test of time and continues to provide unsurpassed performance and benefits in motors in the automotive, industrial and marine world.

Burt Pierce founded the Marvel Oil Company in 1923. His reputation for ingenuity preceded him as he was already well-known for inventing the Marvel Carburetor, standard equipment on 80% of all vehicles produced after World War I.

Vehicles of the post WWI era encountered carburetor problems, the most perplexing being clogged jets due to high lead content and other contaminants found in the gasoline of the time. The problem motivated Mr. Pierce to direct his creative ingenuity towards formulating a blend of chemicals and petroleum products to clean and maintain clogged jets. He was successful beyond his wildest expectations and the legend was born!

“Mystery Oil”, as it was originally called, proved to have other beneficial effects on the engine. By creating a top ring seal, it produced higher compression and, by preventing blow-by on power strokes, it resulted in more power. Mystery Oil also improved gas mileage and minimized engine wear.

Initially based in Chicago, the company moved to New York City and then in 1941 moved to its long-time home in Port Chester, New York. In 1999, the Marvel Oil Company was acquired by Turtle Wax, Inc. and is now headquartered back in its hometown in the Chicago area.

Marvel Mystery Oil® continues to be an extremely relevant and effective product, even in today’s “high-tech” vehicles. With the cost of vehicle maintenance increasing every year, preventive maintenance is the key in avoiding astronomical repair bills.

Why the name Mystery Oil? Burt Pierce refused to divulge the formula for his new product and answered all inquiries as to its make-up with “It’s a Mystery!” The name caught on and is still recognized today for its “mysterious” ability to cure and prevent almost any engine ailment.

Total bullshit.
It's motor oil thinned with acetone with a wintergreen perfume added to give it its unique scent. That's all it is. No more. No less....