OK enough fear, I'm going to change the chain and I hope I can pull it out of the garage and onto ramps without incident.
This has given me more reason to make my next car electric. No timing chains, oil pans, gas tanks or other stuff to worry about. .I'm thinking an electric motor can go 1 million miles with out incidence. Paul
The odds favor you being able to drive it where you need to. 20 yrs ago I advocated electric vehicles with great fervor. I still like them, IFF done according to MY specs, though, alas, NOT as the corrupt swine running the automotive industry on this planet have it. I prefer to electrify an old vehicle, like one our C bodies for example. There is AMPLE ROOM for batteries and a motor, plus the control circuitry.
I hope you don't think an EV comes much safer than a combustion powered vehicle though. FAR from it! ANY ENERGY DENSE DEVICE STILL ABOUNDS IN DANGER! Electric motors can go catastrophically awry just as badly as internal combustion engines can. They require cooling, just as internal combustion engines do. Go look at the pure electric cars from Nissan as one example set. Propelling 1.5 to 2 tons of metal at say, 90 kph with inverted AC motors requires considerable cooling, hence, a liquid cooled radiator to keep the coils running right, and the bearings cool. Should the coils overheat, they either will quench, shutting the motor down, or ignite whatever insulation contains their conductors, if a good overcurrent protection system fails to cut the current in good time.
Spinning motor shafts can still cause much damage.
I assert that EVs are probably safER than combustion powered vehicles, but "safe," NO! All that charge storage if suddenly ruptured can still make a nasty BOOM! also.
Of course. the computer SLOPware these modern corporations insist on infesting their work with just CRAWLS with "bugs."
Yet even animal drawn vehicles were dangerous enough. Read John Hay's "Tales of Pike County" for stories of how pre-automotive vehicles crashed. burned, and mangled american bodies. And the chariot races of those Romans! Don't EVEN get me started on those......