America down the toilet, Round 6,417.

Most of the pipe I receive on job sites are almost all from overseas. Unless it is special order, seamless, heat treated for high pressure applications, most of it is from Thailand and Malaysia. Same goes for most weld fittings. Most employers refuse to buy weld bend products which are American made products because they cost to much. But we spend 20 minutes on a 12 inch weld 90 from Malaysia trying to face it so it is square. Its bad out there. When I worked on the Great Lakes Navel Base, they refused anything that had a import stamp on it, that was good to see. I watched truckloads of pipe driven from Texas get refused and sent back.
I side with the worker and the people on this one. But that'll venture in to political speech which is verboten here comrade.
We in the rust belt and other industrial places have been watching this for years america down the toilet). I think i was 14 when i watched them tear down Fisher 1. Many more factories followed.
China could impose trade sanctions on us by cutting off our supply of steel and bring the U.S. to its knees in a heartbeat, now.
China could impose trade sanctions on us by cutting off our supply of steel and bring the U.S. to its knees in a heartbeat, now.
Naw, since China gets all its iron ore from Australia for domestic and export, it would be playing a cat and mouse game if it started doing that. But it would be interesting to see how far the Australian government would go to back the US up.
China does hold over 80% of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac paper, though. There are plenty of ways they can take us down without firing a shot.
The dock workers striking on the west coast are doing a pretty good job of locking down commerce.