Anger Management - Personal Experience Edition


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
I didn't want to hijack the Anger Management by Furyus so I started its own. And since it is auto related to something we are all familiar with, I thought it appropriate.

Today, I needed two items. A hazzard light flasher and 6' of 5/8ths heater hose.
I checked online for the flasher at AZ and they listed three different types, all in stock at 6, 10, and 12 dollars respectively.
A new Oreillys opened up recently and I checked online and they showed only one style at 3 bucks and in stock.

So I go to OReillys and the fun begins.
Pretty gal with nice rack (irrelevent and sexist but this is my post) greets me and directs me to the bulb section.
I show her there are no flashers there and it is a behind the counter item.
I give her the stock #, she plugs it into the computer and says no such number. I have the screen printout and show her it is a good number. It still won't take, so we play the year, make, etc. thing and comes up with 2 types available, which did not show on my computer at home. OK, I said. Well, one was special order and the other one was out of stock. WTF? Bye. Grr

At AZ, it got funnier.
Newbie with very bad English greets me after the manager yells at him for ignoring me.

Anger Management started and kept in check.

I told him to plug in year, make, etc. and clearly pronounce just like this:
"Type in flasher
Now click on hazzard"
Up pops only one, the $12 one. I say No, there are 2 others. He didn't know how to find the other two. Calls manager, he comes over and we go back to square one. Year, ..... Grrr
Up pops the 3 types with only the $6 one in stock and he gets it. My computer said all in stock.

Now the funniest part is a beauty.

I now ask for "Heater hose - 5/8ths - six feet". He goes back and brings out the expensive packaged hose. I said no, I want 6' from the bulk roll.


I call the manager back and tell him what I want. He says there's no such thing. All they carry is the pre pac 6 footers.


I say it to him again. He says no such thing. I say "BULLSHIT" and tell he does have it. I personally drag him over to the shelf in the back and say "There! WTF is that?"

I go back to the counter, he cuts it and brings it out. I said "WhyTF did you tell me you didn't have it?" He stuttered for about 30 seconds and I finally say to him "You lazy bastard" and go to check out.


Newbie scans flasher , comes to the hose and is stumped. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. I just want a EFN flasher, some hose and GetTF back to the house.
Calls guess who and manager comes over, has to think about, goes back to the bulk roll box, gets # and gives it to newbie. Newbie punches in # and it asks for qty. He punches in, yes.... "1". One unit. I don't say anything, take my flasher and "one" hose that was priced per foot and say Byeeeeeeeee.

HowTF do they stay in business......
That is my Anger Managent and welcome to it.
That sucks. I'm glad I learned how to look in the catalog at the parts stores I worked at so I didn't need to rely on a computer for all the info. And that my first however manyjobs revolved around customer service with people with too much money. I almost never had someone leave my store angry. The old addage still rings true, "takes a lifetime to keep a customer, a minute to lose them".
When I want to get parts in question I either go to an independent, Monument Auto, with 3 stores near me and almost never an issue. The only time an issue is if I want a certain manufacturer and their supplier doesn't carry the line. If a generic part they take me into the back to go looking with one of them. Other store would be NAPA which also has a bunch of older car guys working the counter. The places you mentioned are only good for off the shelf stuff like power steering fluid and carb cleaner.
I don't have that luxury in FumBuck County.
But I moved here by choice. Nobody held a gun to my head.
And that angered you? That's the stuff I've learned to let roll off. If I hadnt, I'd have exploded by now.

You and I could have a lot of fun picking on people if we ever got together

I buy from them from day one. The 75 year old son runs it now. ;)

My patent remark when any employee anywhere makes eye contact with me when I'm walking up to the counter with money in hand and the phone rings and they answer it they have one correct choice. Inform the caller that they are with a customer and they will be right back with them, put them on hold and take care of me. If it works that way we're good, but if they stay on the phone usually it's to dig into the books or look up something on the computer for some one that is more then likely shopping price. My remark when they've decided its my turn and ask if they can help me is: Nope, I came in here to spend money and you made me stand here while you spent your time and mine watching you making no sale with your phone service and lost a cash customer for ever now don't you feel stupid? I've had bosses walk out of the back room after listening to my little rant and try to save a sale. I just tell 'um if that want a cash register banger go sell fast food. If they want to stay in business don't turn an idiot loose on the people that supply the fundz to keep the billz paid. And then just turn and casually walk out! Jer
Where i used to live i had become a regular at advanced. I knew eveyone in there by name,got managers discounts on most things, even wound up with a friend out of the deal. After years of having great service i move 20 miles away. I start going to the closest one to me. Holy $$## sh@$!! End up with a store that looks at me more like a pain in the *** to their daily routine. I did get lucky tho and found this lil place called arrow automotive. I walk into the store, not a single computer in sight, nothing but catalogs and reference material. Im instantly transported back to when I first started working on cars. Their video camera is the size of a shoebox for god sakes... I love it!!
You are right Jer that is the most annoying thing and then when they are looking up rotors for a Chevy 1/2 ton p.u. wtf in the rust belt you have got to be selling a pair of them at least every day and you have to look them up they should know where they are at on the shelf in the back and know how much they are. If it is a part that needs looked up chances are they are not shopping price and will wait on hold.
And that angered you? That's the stuff I've learned to let roll off. If I hadnt, I'd have exploded by now.
You and I could have a lot of fun picking on people if we ever got together
I say anger. That is what I write. Truth is, I really feel fear.
The fear comes from that everything I ever learned that was needed to be successful in life has no place in society now.
I see nothing but pure shitbums everywhere now.

Our take together on the human condition would fill a stadium.
That really shouldn't fear you because it almost doesn't concern you. Sure you deal with it but why can't you feel good about where you've been and how you got there? You can't change them
I have a commercial account at O'Reily's by my house. I deal with certain guys there because I know that they will do what it takes to get me what I need and if something ends up wrong they will do what it takes to fix it. They just let go of a guy there that I HATED dealing with. They stock a case of oil just for me. I am the only one around that uses it but I spend enough in there every month they will do that for me. Go in to get said case of oil. Retard takes 30 minutes and can't find it. I walk back to the oil isle in the back and go "This one right here" and he looks amazed. Couple months later I call and am unfortunate enough to get him on the phone. I ask if they have any 9/16 bolts in stock. He puts me on hold and goes and checks. Gets back on and says "yes I have them sitting right here on the counter". So I drive up there to get said bolts. Walk in and look on the counter and the dip **** has 3/8 bolts sitting on the damn counter. One of my normal sales guys comes up and tries to help to tell me that they don't keep them in the store that size. I about lose it saying "then WTF did I come up here for?". Most of the guys that work in those places have never even changed the oil in a car. They are just order entry type of people and if you have something like I always do and are not going with direct stock replacement parts or you are dealing with a much older vehicle you might as well not even get out of your chair at home!