Anger Management - Personal Experience Edition

I can work at AZ anytime I want. My best friend is the Parts Manager there.
I refuse to. It is not the money. Even Mother Therasa would have pulled out an Uzi after awhile.
If I was starving, I would in a heatbeat.
To kill time at shitty wages, I'd rather bus at Ruby Tuesdays.

It's all about the chicks isn't it Stan
Dear Lord, when I die, please take me home again.

There........I fixed it


Cuidad Juarez.....
Those 20 something year olds working at AZ, AAP, O'Reiley's, etc, were us years ago.

Most try to help.......they are trying to earn a living too.

I'll never berate or give someone that is working a hard time especially when they are taking the job seriously.
Real car guys (even if they are only 20 something years old) will think C-Bodies are cool. That's been my experience when I drive up to AZ or AAP. They always want to take a look when I'm there.
I would never berate any kid who would show some actual enthusiam to want to do a good job.
Can't find them, though.
Never any basic common sense.
That's what retailers have converted the workforce to.
Sell the GoJo special at checkout at min. wage, P.T. hours, no bennies. As soon as he realizes the environment he's actually in, he quits to hang out with his buddies again.