Anthony Bourdain RIP

What did his mother say specifically were his mental health issues?
Can't find the citation anymore but she mentioned he had been in a dark place the last few days before he took his life. I had a friend who suffered from depression but did not regularly take his meds because he was in denial. Took his own life upstairs while his parents were downstairs. The stigma of mental illness makes it hard for some people to accept a diagnosis.
Anthony Bourdain stated about a year ago that he would be happy to make a poisoned meal for President Trump and his family. Quit watching his nonsense after that. Karma sucks, is all I can say.
Suicide, depression, all that stuff, is extremely tragic. I witnessed (actually saw right in front of me :wideyed: ) a suicide in 1998. Burned a hole in my brain that I never will get rid of.
But she was a lonely nobody. Nobody but her family cared.
A celeb pulls the plug and the whole world goes shithouse.
That's just WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Pisses me off.
I had one of my brothers take his own life back in 1994. He left 3 kids without a father (even though he was not a good person). No way things could ever get so bad that I would do that to my family.