Anyone near Milbank,South Dakota??

Gesswein is whacked with his prices - about three times what any car might bring anywhere else. I have to wonder if he actually sells anything.
I have followed cars on that lot for years. Especially Formal's where the vehicle was available on C/L or EBay and they buy them and then the price is insane once it sits on their lot....and those cars sit on the lot for years. They must have an overseas market because it seems like they are not moving cars very fast.
I looked up your ad. That darn car has the best looking seats of all C-bodies, ever. Period. Sure wish I could help you out by buying it from you. (I can't, sorry.)
Lakeland Lash of the mid-west is what you're saying? Say it isn't so....

No, because he doesn't go apeshit with black spray bombs and undercoating to cover up far as I know, anyway. He simply overprices stuff to such a degree that you are pretty much guaranteed if you want something he has, you are not going to have much competition on that car.