I just got off the phone with the shop. I was not 100% correct about the repair. The scratch will be blended. Basically here is what he recommends.
remove fender
feather scratched area back
reclear fender
reapply emblem and stripe
He'd also said that removing the fender sounds extreme, but it prevents having a tape line anywhere because of the clear coat and no worries of overspray anywhere.
the only new white paint will be in the scratch and feathered area.
he stands by this saying over the long term this will hold up better than just doing a quick spot refinish such as a car dealer would do. Remember guys, I plan on keeping this car forever....if circumstances allow.
Sorry if I was wrong which I partially was since I thought the whole fender would get new white. But the whole fender will get new clear.
So it is a blend job paint wise, but not clear coat wise.