As seen at the junkyard...


Old Man with a Hat
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Detroit 'burbs
Just some random pics I snapped the other day. Trivia: This automotive recycling centre (at 18 1/2 Mile & Van Dyke in Sterling Heights MI) is "built on top of" the old Warhoops Junkyard. This is where GM sent its show cars and other interesting artifacts to be scrapped in the 50s/60s. Many of them weren't scrapped, but were hidden in trailers. Decades later, collector Joe Bortz purchased many of them and had them restored.

This Magnum is the reason I went. It's picked pretty clean unless you need what still remains?


If you hate a-holes in boomcars, it may satisfy you to think how much time and money were wasted on this. Unfortunately a Mopar was harmed.


Sure the lights are probably useless, but he did add nifty LEDs. Bra is keeping that paint nice for the shredder. Note the 3800 V6 emblem from a Pontiac.

Sorry, but that's a 2.7L. On the plus side (get it?) that amplifier power wire is a thick as a baby's arm.

This car had two (2!) USB ports and dual cigarette lighters. Mad electrical skillz.

Adds new meaning to door-mounted speakers.

Deck speakers

Trunk speakers

Neon license plate? I thought those died out in the mid 90s!? Back up sensors never came on an Intrepid, so I'm doubtful these served any purpose beyond convincing the sexy ladies that the owner was safety-conscious.

Only a poser paints the front struts and omits the rear. Sponsored by McDonalds.

There was an ACR Neon. Pretty cool find for somebody.

That hope faded like this bumper sticker. Bernie must have chosen an earth-friendly, cannabis-based ink for the campaign.

Euro readers... Did these Sprinter vans rust this badly in Europe? The hood was flapping in the breeze.

Even the emblems seemed embarrassed to remain attached. This was a 2006.

That's it for the tour. I did score a mint coolant overflow tank from a '78 Dodge truck that will migrate to my '73 as soon as I find the time; which means never.
I'd grab the headlights and retract lens if you can get them on the cheap.
I'd grab the headlights and retract lens if you can get them on the cheap.

They are no better than mine (somewhat worse). Somebody who knew what to grab was already on this car, unless you wanted to go deep into stuff like the header panel, etc.
I had my dad take me to Warhoops on my birthday when I was a young teenager and then we went and played golf for my first time and one of three. In other words we did something I wanted to do and then something he thought I should want to do.:lol:
I think I left the yard with a handful of emblems and hood ornaments, a couple of which I probably still have but I don't really have much recollection of what was there.
I had my dad take me to Warhoops on my birthday when I was a young teenager and then we went and played golf for my first time and one of three. In other words we did something I wanted to do and then something he thought I should want to do.:lol:
I think I left the yard with a handful of emblems and hood ornaments, a couple of which I probably still have but I don't really have much recollection of what was there.
and, obviously, you dont play golf...
I see a lot of parts on that Magnum. I'd love to have that car

The chrome on the tailights was shot so I left them. Same with the other trim parts. An 82 y/o buddy of mine owned that car from the early 80s till about last year. It had some rust, but not terrible. He couldn't give it away at $1500. Finally someone from a demographic known for large diameter rims gave him the $1500. Now I see it here sans wheels. Color me surprised.
I had my dad take me to Warhoops on my birthday when I was a young teenager and then we went and played golf for my first time and one of three. In other words we did something I wanted to do and then something he thought I should want to do.:lol:
I think I left the yard with a handful of emblems and hood ornaments, a couple of which I probably still have but I don't really have much recollection of what was there.

I actually saw some of those Bortz GM cars when they were still in trailers at this yard. 15 y/o me hardly had the means to do anything about it. The owners of Warhoops were locally known as complete a-holes that never wanted to sell anything, so none of my peers took that place seriously as a source for parts. Thank God for the self-service model.. it might be the only good thing to come east from California.
The Magnum body parts are what I was liking. I've got a word out to a couple of the local demo guys to call me if they get a Magnum
Here’s another long lost relic.




Not much left. Is this a Dart or a Ford, I thought Dart?
USA Auto on 18 1/2 mile is a great boneyard. I remember Warhoops. Now, you would never even know that Warhoops existed. I remember seeing a 1962 Lancer Wagon with the side windows deleted at that yard just before they closed up. Had a tree growing up through the spare wheel well, then curved around to get out of where the rear glass once was.