As Seen on TV...

Thanks, Mario and Doc! Just got it back from the paint shop a few weeks age and she looks even better. I'm waiting for the perfect day to take her downtown for some pics by the "Green" or some other cool places in town. Keep you posted.
John, aka, Live for the King, is the only one who's seen it since the repaint. I'm thinking it looks pretty darn good.
I don't know how I missed this till just now, but yes it does look real nice. Kenny's got a great guy he works with.
Dennis Farina was a great charactor actor. My Favorite rolls of his were in Get Shorty and Big Trouble.
Ok maybe not a real TV show or movie but it was on TV

Santa Maria Elks Rodeo Parade - June 3, 2017

and the Santa Clarita (Newhall) Independence Day Parade - July 4, 2017




People keep asking if I'll do movies or TV and the answer is no.

Thanks, Mario and Doc! Just got it back from the paint shop a few weeks age and she looks even better. I'm waiting for the perfect day to take her downtown for some pics by the "Green" or some other cool places in town. Keep you posted.
John, aka, Live for the King, is the only one who's seen it since the repaint. I'm thinking it looks pretty darn good.

Carlisle 2018 Kenny?
Carlisle 2018 Kenny?

I haven't given Carlisle much thought yet... I usually start my show planning in January.
There's a huge Lotus event just two weeks after Carlisle in Cleveland. I may have to skip Carlisle this year. The Lotus Owners Gathering's move to different locations every year, this year is fairly close so I'm planning on going. Already have the room booked at the site of the event. We'll see...