At what point does one say "screw it!" with cars?

Today is my 52nd Birthday and having the day off I am in my basement “Shop” cleaning reparing fixing odds and ends for the 3 cars I currently have in the project list this year. That said as soon as the weather breaks and I can get some decent pics there will be 4 less cars in storage than there is now. I am at the point of I have the time and energy to do the little stuff but full blown restorations are not on my to do list. I will live vicariously through Nick and Wyatt and all the other youngsters out there who are taking on these big projects. That said I truly believe the day I can no longer turn a wrench better be the day my kid turns it for me.
I find it difficult to get motivated to do much of anything. I used to loved working on my cars, but between a bad back and gimpy legs, most small repairs turn into major operations and don't get done. My Fury developed a loud rattle in the torque converter when I started it June 2018 and it has sat ever since. On every trip into my garage, I look at the Fury, say hi and ask her how she is, and then leave a little depressed.

Age brings all sorts of inconveniences, when I was 60 I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. Couple years ago I developed macular degeneration, left eye dry and right wet. The left eye is wait and see, the right eye gets injections every 5 weeks to hopefully save what sight is left. A bonus, each eye see's things slightly different so my depth of field is out by an inch or so. All fine work is pretty well impossible. Even pouring whiskey into a shot glass is a challenge, more hits the table than the glass. My world is filled with LED flashlights and magnifying glasses.

One few things left on my bucket list is a cross country cruise in the Fury. Unfortunately it will be solo as my wife likes modern cars with all creature comforts. This summer I'll get all the Fury fixes done and then I'm going to drive her a bunch around home to make sure she's healthy. Then I plan to wander the US and work my way to Newfoundland. I had wanted to do that this year, for her 50th birthday, but I guess 2020 will have to work. All this assumes I'll still be around and haven't gone blind yet.

If these are "the golden years", I'm not very impressed!!
Today is my 52nd Birthday and having the day off I am in my basement “Shop” cleaning reparing fixing odds and ends for the 3 cars I currently have in the project list this year. That said as soon as the weather breaks and I can get some decent pics there will be 4 less cars in storage than there is now. I am at the point of I have the time and energy to do the little stuff but full blown restorations are not on my to do list. I will live vicariously through Nick and Wyatt and all the other youngsters out there who are taking on these big projects. That said I truly believe the day I can no longer turn a wrench better be the day my kid turns it for me.
Happy Birthday young fellow!!
Well, this is down right depressing! I turned 44 in December and am in good shape. I love to work on my car. If anybody on this forum has lost the ambition to keep their ride on the rode and you are close to me, I would be more then happy to help out. I have found way more enjoyable experiences working in my garage with friends then at any car show I have ever been to.
Damn, aren't we a sad bunch. :lol:

Sucks gettin' old - whodathunkit! I had my first total hip replacement (THR) at 55, right shoulder re-built in 2016, and 2nd THR 8 weeks ago. Knees will be next, not sure how much longer, but the left is complaining more all the time. I've lived with crippling arthritis including both lumbar and cervical spine-related neurological issues going on 10 years now. Went long-term stints on Tramadol, in and out of opiate addiction for 3 years from 2013-2015. I measure how well I feel by whether or not I need to keep a cane close-by.

Sure, my capacity for work is cut in probably less than half. So I just take longer to do the same stuff. You have to want it more than the grim reaper wants you. I see guys wheeling around with their oxygen bottles looking younger than me wondering if maybe they just gave up too soon.
In my case it's not a physical thing. I'm in pretty good shape for 62. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week and walk a mile almost every day. My problem is mental. It's a lack of desire to tackle any big job. I don't mind going out and piddling around with small easy stuff. I'll wash the car, pull weeds, cut the grass and stuff like that. I certainly don't want to sit in front of the TV watching I love Lucy reruns or Jerry Springer but the idea of cutting out a trunk floor or pulling a motor turns me off completely. Not sure if it will change but at this point I'm kind of doubting it.
What's odd is that I love getting the tractor out and cutting grass, grading the driveway, and pushing soil around. Granted, that tears my *** up something fierce, especially with three hours on it at a time! The Diesel engine and the wonderful sounds it makes, is very relaxing to me.
I’ve been wanting to thin the heard but it’s hard when I keep buying and not selling...
This may sound odd but I hate working on cars, even though I have done two full restorations I do not enjoy it. For me it is the necessary evil for me to have the cars that I enjoy driving. I don't mind basic maintenance but I am no mechanic, when something doesn't work it infuriates me. For some things I have the patience to figure it out, others stand clear. I am capable so I do it but if I could afford to just have it done I probably would. There is some satisfaction of being able to say I did it so I am glad I did.

People keep asking what the next project is, I tell them one that doesn't need any work.

Another day of colder than sh** weather, really don't feel like being out in the shop, but it doesn't bother me because I'm still doing car related fun stuff!! Built 4 models this winter, it's kinda my personal barometer/thermometer of what's going on outside.

I just thought I'd add, I've had some... "concerning" medical issues lately, and so far, all signs point to bad news. I haven't had the testing done that I need (mainly because the tests cost so damn much, but I digress...) but I'm kinda preparing myself for it now. When I finally get around to it, if my fears are confirmed, my Newport will be the first thing I list for sale.

Not me i need my car to make me happy and distracted with my life would be the first thing gone after i'm gone...
I turned 51 last week.
The Boab is my first and ladt major every nut and bolt restoration.
I love the experiences that comes with the process.
I now want to enjoy all those years of hard work.
Plus I developed a knack of finding clean original cars that need some work to be roadworthy.
The wagon is getting a mechanical refreshing very soon once out of storage.
The Boab world tour picks up again this summer too.
I still have the burning desire to work on something but more satisfying.
I love polishing trim and redoing electrical have become my strongest suits.
Physically I am fine but crawling under dashes takes a lot out of me compared to ten years ago.
Selling my house hurts since I no longer have a garage of my own to work in.
The 2 classics and dd are enough till I figure out if I can build/buy a place of my own.
It isn't lost on me that so many (but not all) of my friends who are into the hobby are 1-2 generations older than myself. That said, it's probably what keeps them "young" and mixing with younger people. I'd hate to give that up as I age, but there will undoubtedly be fewer and fewer people into the hobby as time marches on.
When my grandfather retired at 62 he gave up on everything except watching baseball. Sold his entire woodworking shop that he used for furniture. Served as a lesson. It took 11 years for death to come. As the song says...I ain't as good as I once was, but on as good once, as I ever was.
What a bunch of whinging old gits, I did 'bout 1 1/2 hours vacuuming yesterday and have been laid up most of today in bed with hip pain. But I feel lucky to be alive as I've had a whole slew of friends pass away at 50 years old. Don't know what it is about that age of 50?
I've lived way longer than my old housemate 'Big Al' with the Boss 302 that passed at 40 years of age. It's been almost 20 years since Joey Dunlop got killed at 48 years of age. I sort of seriously questioned my fan interest in motorcycle road racing when is nephew William Dunlop got killed last summer on his favorite track, so didn't his brother Michael as he announced his retirement from motorcycle racing after that, but he will be back looking for a 19th TT win and with less than 82 days to go to this years TT the enthusiasm is coming back.
One thing I've noticed with my age is my eyesight is coming back, no longer do I need glasses to read the computer or the newspaper ??? (now the phone is a different story) :realcrazy:

why not sell one car, buy a lift and see how it goes? even with one remaining car, you'll wish you had a lift.