It saddens and angers me to read something like this. From my earliest days in school, I can remember being told how fortunate we all were and how grateful we should all be that we lived in a free country. Everyday, it seems, now that if I hear a newscast or talk show on the radio, watch TV news or watch videos or read something on-line, I find out that another one of our freedoms has been infringed upon or completely taken away. The reason, or excuse, always has to do with "the collective good", in other words, it's either said to be in the name of "safety" or "protecting the environment". By using either of those as a reason/excuse, governments can enact any legislation they want and no one can argue against it without coming off as some horrible, uncaring monster of a person. Increasingly, these days, another reason/excuse for taking away our freedoms and rights is to prevent us from making "hateful" and hurtful/offensive comments.
When it comes to Canada, we seem to be somewhere between America and Australia, but heading more and more in the direction that Australia and the UK have gone. When it comes to guns, for example, gone are the days when we could just walk into a gun store or a Canadian Tire, K-mart or Wal Mart and buy a box of shells. We could when I was a teenager, but now you need a permit. We used to take our rifles out to the old garbage dump and shoot at cans and sometimes the occasional rat. We used to walk, carrying our rifles. We asked one of the local cops that we were friendly with about it and we were told that, as long as the guns were not loaded while we were walking through town, we were okay. Try that today. You wouldn't get more than three houses down the block before the entire SWAT team would be there. I can remember when almost every pick-up truck had a gun rack in it's rear window. People used to be able to have wall mounted racks in their homes, now everything has to be locked in gun safes.
Every time there's any kind of murder committed with a gun, but especially a mass shooting, it's always the law abiding gun owners who are forced to give up more of their freedoms. The turning point in Canada seems to have been the mass shooting in Quebec in 1989. Look at what happened in New Zealand. The guy who committed the shooting wasn't even from New Zealand, he went there to do it. Immediately, the governments solution to "make sure that nothing like this ever happens again" (don't you just love always having to hear that cliche?) was to take away the rights and freedoms of every law abiding gun owner. By that "logic", if somebody drives their car after getting drunk, then gets into a collision and kills someone, the logical solution to "make sure that it never happens again" would be for the government to seize the cars and trucks from every law abiding motorist/vehicle owner in that country, state or province. As crazy as that would be, if you ask me, we are all getting dangerously close to that day in every aspect of our lives.
The loss of all of our rights and freedoms is just a few more pen strokes away.