Baltimore is Burning II

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Well......the first trial of the Police officers in the Freddy Gray untimely death is coming to a close. All of the Emergency Action Centers have been activated. The Baltimore Police have all hands on deck and vow that there won't be a disaster like last time. The mayor is already calling for calm. Protesters are already protesting in small numbers at City Hall and the Courthouse as the barricades go up. The new Rite Aid has been rebuilt and opened just in time to be burned down again. I've been following the Officer Porter trial and there ISN'T ANY EVIDENCE that would convict him of anything.

I'll post the before picture of the new Rite Aid for you....

Poor fuckin Rite Aid, just minding their own business.
I was surprised that they rebuilt the place. There are NO big box retailers anywhere inside the "combat zone".
My guess is they couldn't take the insurance money and run since insurance would only pay to replace the structure that was damaged.
They are pre-protesting.
Gawd forbid they miss a party where all their friends and relatives get together.
They are pre-protesting.
Gawd forbid they miss a party where all their friends and relatives get together.

Yep, see it all the time. The Johnson family reunion T-shirts....653 people show up and had no FN idea they were related to each other.
And people actually wonder aloud WHY no big chain stores want to locate in areas like that. There is one section of OKC (all black) where there has not been a major supermarket located in over 25 years, much less any major department or big-box stores.
I worked for the largest supermarket chain in the northeast, Stop & Shop all my life.
There is an intense political pressure and back room dealings to force them to put a store in the ghetto.
S&S puts one in and the losses have to be picked up by other stores.
They are blackmailed into doing it.
They were miserable places to deliver to at 3:OO AM, by yourself, in the dark receiveing area. Prohibited to carry, too.
Shakedown Jesse and Al the pal are doing their best.

Well, at least the timing is good. Think off all those undocumented shoppers who can finish up their Christmas shopping under the guise of protesting oppression and discrimination.
"Why should I have to pay for any of this stuff? The man OWES me, and I'm going to take what I want!"

--- Grammatically corrected quote from a 'hood resident.
I worked for the largest supermarket chain in the northeast, Stop & Shop all my life.
There is an intense political pressure and back room dealings to force them to put a store in the ghetto.
S&S puts one in and the losses have to be picked up by other stores.
They are blackmailed into doing it.
They were miserable places to deliver to at 3:OO AM, by yourself, in the dark receiveing area. Prohibited to carry, too.

I'd carry anyway. WTF are they going to do about it? My life trumps their damn rules, especially in this example.
I'd carry anyway. WTF are they going to do about it? My life trumps their damn rules, especially in this example.
And throw away my pension? No....
I had a goal and remembering my goal served me well.
We weren't O/O's after all... :D

WTF are they going to do about it?
There were things the union would not back you up on.
Drugs and alcohol.
Sexual harrasment.
Physical or verbal assault...

Zero tolerance. And it was a good thing.
It is suppose to rain Thursday.....

I bet the judge is hoping they don't come up with a verdict until then.
And throw away my pension? No....
I had a goal and remembering my goal served me well.
We weren't O/O's after all... :D

WTF are they going to do about it?
There were things the union would not back you up on.
Drugs and alcohol.
Sexual harrasment.
Physical or verbal assault...

Zero tolerance. And it was a good thing.

UAW is a different animal I guess.
We have lots of trial lawyers here advertising. Simmons and Fletcher are big ones.
The jury is deadlocked on Officer Porter.

The Judge told them to deliberate some more....or until it starts raining Thursday.
The jury is deadlocked on Officer Porter.

The Judge told them to deliberate some more....or until it starts raining Thursday.

Its all set... Rite Aid has falsified their inventory levels at that store/central distribution center and is preparing for the write off... big bonuses coming for top management if they get it done before the quarter ends...