I like it, tastefully done. You should tell the Benikies to stop making those "coulda been" wing cars. The seller isn't trying to sell it as a real car that was actually made. It's no different than a custom. Use whatever stupid label you want, I still think it's cool. Didn't see the shifter son I can't comment about that.
I'm making my Dart into something it wasn't, but it's mine and I'm doing what I want. Not to mention I could never afford the real thing, so I'm taking the route available to get what I want. I appreciate stock original cars, but what fun would it be if we all drove stock original cars? That would get old quick. It's things that are different than the norm that keep the entire car hobby going, IMO. Rip me all you want, but this car would get more attention than anything I have because it's different. The price is irrelevant, if someone thinks it worth it they will pay. Maybe the guy doesn't want to sell, so he priced it high. It's nice to see that he's labeled as whatever because he likes a style of car that others don't.