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Nope. I didn't even like them in '64.
Didn't a member here just buy a new 500?

Well after that first remark, I refuse to answer your question.
Blame the Ford dealer where I first saw the Mustang on the floor. There was this huge-freakin-mongous beautiful Galaxie next to it and....

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Rad Rides by Troy had a Torino at Good Guys this year. Bad boy.
1969. I can grab a picture later on my Mac or you can check out Troy's site. I actually met, walked & talked to Troy for a few minutes this year. Super cool guy.

He's the same guy who did the twin turbo 56 Chrysler 300. Just beautiful. He wins big awards & is in Hot Rod all the time. The Buick that he won with at good guys this year is breathtaking.

I know, I have a little man crush. Yes, it's embarrassing.
No wonder you have a mauve Polara. ;)
I'll find the Torino, thanks.
Google "how to remove banner ads" with whatever your browser is. You can (I have) shut them off pretty easily.
Is this the "before" or "after" pic ?
Thanks for refreshing my memory. Last time I've been there was 33 years ago. :)
I was a kid back then, Mr. Dorian Gray. ;)
We try to get to Niagara Falls every couple of years for a weekend. The Canadian side is all about the tourists and the US side is a really nice park. Mrs Big John and I were married on one of the Three Sisters Islands, overlooking the rapids right above the falls.