Barnfind 49 Packard flower car 1 of none

I just picked this up, original owners retiring. 64 Buick service car, coachwork by Flxible. Usually, seen in the 30,40,s and by the 50,s pretty rare .By the 60,s almost non existent. Designed to haul equipment etc and can be used as a hearse . It was built on a 4dr sedan not a station wagon . Cost in 64 was about $7500 , you could have bought 2 vans or wagons for that in 64 which by the 60,s most company's where using.

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That Buick is a beauty, esp to have been kept/preserved all this time by a business.

Huh, Flxible. I only knew of them for their buses like this one.

I think your last post shows that your domicile/collection should be posted somewhere for all to see!:thumbsup:
(is it already?)
