Bearing gifts

furyus 67

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Flint Michigan
Good morning everyone! Hope all is well. I've become a bit of a lurker as of late. Anyway my uncle gave me a stack of Life magazines from 66-72. I've been reading some of the articles on Vietnam and one of Ted Kennedys accident. It's an interesting look into the past to say the least. Well in my "skimming" I've also come across a few things you guys might enjoy. Mopar Advertisements!! Hopefully you guys do enjoy!









Only $2995 for a fury equipped with air. That's just down the street from me. I think I'll head down there tomorrow and pick one up.
In not too far, ask them about a 2 for 1 deal? Lol. I was surprised to see specific dealerships advertising in a national magazine.
YO Furious 67. Got the June 21st 1968 copy with James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan on the cover? Page's 14+15 show everything Mother made that year including contributions to the Saturn1(Prime contributor on the first stage) and The old (now) M60 and other Military equipment and ah course all the '68 line up that they let us mortals play with. Post that one up if you've got it 'cuz I have no clue how to do it, Jer
Ain't breakin my heart with a misspell Jer. Have you read my posts? Lol. Talk about the luck of the efn Irish...... I do not have June of 68!!!

Also in that stack you should see an ad for a sweepstakes(Dr. Pepper I think). They were giving away 7 '68 Chargers, 1 for every day of the week. They were shown from above parked in a circle iirc.
Here it is, could you imagine??

In not too far, ask them about a 2 for 1 deal? Lol. I was surprised to see specific dealerships advertising in a national magazine.

LIFE magazine, among others, would print regional editions. So, the August 20, 1967 edition you would get in NYC would be different, ad-wise, from the same edition for the Los Angeles area.
I remember the ads and commercials like they were yesterday....

With my Dad being a Mopar wagon was easy for me to choose a 69 Super Bee in 1971 for my first car.