blower motor doesnt work


New Member
Oct 4, 2014
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medina ohio
ok guys,my blower motor does absolutely nothing.It has no power going to it so i took the dash apart to check there.i dont have a service manual so i just check all the wires i could get to and it did have power at some of the terminals.I then found the blower motor resister and every single terminal had power there (which struck me as odd).I know i need a manual but in the meantime can anybody tell me what this is and if it has anything to do with the heat?


Now, we're probably have a vacuum problem- look for two round vacuum pots on the passenger side mounted to the airbox (one yellow, one green) with wires going to them. If the vacuum pot is bad- no blower motor. This is easily tested either by first pulling the vacuum lines, making sure you have vacuum...if so, capping them and then one by one hooking them up. If they work you'll hear "click" and the blower should come on.

I would test them in Hi Defrost mode...that way you'll know for sure the blower is coming on.

In this pic you can see them on the far right.

Yup, vacuum actuates the switch. Behind your dash control is a bundle of vacuum lines (the coloured bundle that heads up to the servo)..they run just about everything.
Oh, by the way...I'm assuming you have no mouse nests in the blower. That will prevent it from tuning too.
actually it packed full of a mouse house but i was just trying to figure out my power issue .it does spin by hand but i gotta clean it out.they sure didnt make it easy to remove the blower motor on that car.
ok,so i followed my vacuum line into the car and it goes into sometype of vacuum junction right above the steering shaft.It has good vacuum going into that junction but its not sucking out the other side.Is that junction needed or can i bypass it?Couldnt really get a good look at it because of its location.
Yup, blower motor and power antenna are both very tough to do...gotta pull the inner fender to do it.

I found it a lot easier to do by removing the hood. I've done it twice on the NYB...once for the blower motor and the 2nd time was to put in the power antenna you graciously gave to me. Thanks again Mr. C!
I'll never do it again. Amongst 835 other things I will never do again in a Formal.
Earning your stripes on a Formal makes you a Top Gun amongst the bush pilots. Lol.

Posted via Topify on Android
Just make sure you inspect and repair everything when you get it apart. Blower motor (I would replace the squirrel cage too), power antenna, and any and every thing else. This is a job you only want to do once.
I finally got my service manuals and tracked down the problem.It seems that the master switch has failed.I jumped across the plug and the blower motor came to life and everything works fine.Now i need figure out where to get a switch.Any ideas?