Blue goo rant!!

Newport 66

Old Man with a Hat
Aug 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancaster, WI
Replacing the leaking water pump on my old dodge D150 with a 318. Started removing the pump housing bolts and every one was covered with, I'll say, a liberal amount of blue rtv. From the back side of the head to past the last thread. Removed the pump and it to was slathered with the stuff. Seemed like a whole dang tube!!!!
I spent better than an hour cleaning and chasing the threads on each bolt and the engine block. Whoever replaced the pump before should be covered in rtv and stuck to a wall!!!
Ok, I'm better now.....
You mean you are not suppose to use a WHOLE tube per job.....??????????
Gee and I thought my retirement losses in the stock market were bad. Nothing compared to spending an hour removing Blue RTV!
Still, Absolut and I have a ****-coronavirus-and-stockmarket meeting this evening. I'm feeling about like that cat.
I fought with this for a while before it came free. Guy built it in shop class.

I ALWAYS use the whole tube, no matter what. If I put it up and come back to use it at a later date..... It sets up in the tube. What a waste.....!
I ALWAYS use the whole tube, no matter what. If I put it up and come back to use it at a later date..... It sets up in the tube. What a waste.....!
I always write off the $8 after I've used it, but it still sucks.