Brad Penn?

furyus 67

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Flint Michigan
It's been suggested by a couple of Mopar guys that I know that I should break in my engine with brad penn 10/30 and run brad penn 10/40. What do you guys with aggressive cams run? I'm going to running a 284/484 Mopar performance . I honestly have never heard of brad penn oil but but its been awhile since I've built something this old.
The Brad Penn oil is very popular and seems to be a good oil with a high zinc content. It's made in the former Kendall refinery.

I run it myself.
I run Brad Penn in straight 40 weight, I wouldn't use anything else.
Not joking but WallyWorlds 10-30.
I did my research.

AND.... if you change your oil every 3K, you can literally throw in used vegetable oil, a bottle of Lucas, and a bottle of dandruff shampoo and at 100k have everything still looking shiny and new.
Not joking but WallyWorlds 10-30.
I did my research.

AND.... if you change your oil every 3K, you can literally throw in used vegetable oil, a bottle of Lucas, and a bottle of dandruff shampoo and at 100k have everything still looking shiny and new.
Uhm.... Yea I'll give that a try. Will head n shoulders do or should I hit a salon?
You might want to add one of these too...available at AAP and other places.

I just read an article online about the newer oils and their lack of zinc and how bad it is for the older solid lifter motors. The bottom line was the EPA started to regulate zinc additives in oils back in the 90s and is slowly reduce since. The article stated that it (zinc)was causing premature catalytic converter failures. I also read an article stating that America's cattle industry creates more carbon monoxide and then all of the cars in the world. Task task who to believe? SMH... I don't know about you but I'd rather give up my burgers and steak and my Internal combustion engines!!​
I hate to sound like such a newb at 39 yrs old but everything I've owned and or built over the last 15 or so years has been a roller motor. I always use mobile 1 full synthetic or mobile 1 high mileage . Thanks for the guidance guys!!
When I searched Brad Penn oil my voice recognition gave me this.


Maybe he's there marketing spokes man.... Here's Brad Pitt folks speaking for Brad penn oil. When I do a movie shoot I always drink a quart of Brad penn oil before starting. The extra high zinc gives me my energy, and keeps all my areas lubricated....... LOL
Maybe he's there marketing spokes man.... Here's Brad Pitt folks speaking for Brad penn oil. When I do a movie shoot I always drink a quart of Brad penn oil before starting. The extra high zinc gives me my energy, and keeps all my areas lubricated....... LOL
It the only oil Angelina will let me use know. Use brad penn!!