
70 today? Wow, that's unreal to me, that ocean nearby really messes with you guys doesn't it? We have the potential ice storm headed our way, not good.
As I sit here with my hot cup of java its about 55 degrees outside, but yeah tomorrow they are forecasting 70 degrees. If the jet stream does not drop and stays north upwards in Canada we typically get all the pseudo-tropical florida type weather no matter what season of the year it is. However, if the jetstream dips like it did two weeks ago we get frozen over. I WOULD prefer the cold weather at this time of the year, doesn't seem like christmas when you can walk outside in shorts and a tee shirt.
I hear you, I like a white Christmas but I'll take the 70 degree temps right after that. It ain't going to happen though, winter starts today....
I waz standin' at the kitchen window perusing the ponderosa this A.M. waiting while the hot water dripped thru' the Bunn and looking at the 1 1/2"s white crap we've got left of the 6"s we got the other day and my gawd, I've got mouse trailz all over the place. My whole back yard haz varicose vainz. Thatz ugly, we either need more white crap or more thawing. AND NO I AIN'T LETIN' 'UM IN TAH WARM UP
Orange juice anyone?

Welcome to Wisconsin, I believe someone said it, but the only time I try to work on my car is in the winter.


Also shot an alligator in his pajamas. :weg:
I did not know alligators wore pajamas.

And I was wondering about him drinking coffee in his underwear, too. How does that work? Unless it's the old-dude rubber kind, I dunno.
I did not know alligators wore pajamas.


That's an altered quote from Groucho Marx from the 30s Marx brothers movie "Animal Crackers". The older ones will remember. :)
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That's an altered quote from Groucho Marx from the 30s Marx brothers movie "Animal Crackers". The older ones will remember. :)

I knew that. The fact you used that quote shows you to be somewhere between 73 and 112 years old, though.:)