Budweiser show in Jacksonville

I guess I must be close to death. Thats the only way to explain the love.......

Dads a great guy but he's no gentleman, he's dirtier than all of us combined
When growing up booze was in abundance, in the house and at every family function. When I was a kid, pre 8 years old I would be sitting at the pinochle table watching the men play. I would always beg my dad for a sip of his beer. I hated the taste but all the men were drinking it so it must be the right thing to do. I hate the smell and taste of it to this day. Similar stories with the hard stuff........
I grew up right along the heart of the so called "German wine street" where in about every family there used to be someone involved in winemaking. The standard size for a wine mixed with water is one pint and is regarded as "basic nutrition".

Thats something else everyone in the family was doing, smoking. Two packs a day, Camels.... I hate that smell
I quit smoking 21 years ago when I got back from the 1st Gulf War. I was smoking 3 packs a day. Hypnosis. One 3 hour session with 1000 other people in the hall. Best $34.95 I ever spent. I was buying a CARTON of Winston's from the Comissary on post for $3. When I was overseas... a CARTON was $2. No taxes. I'm glad I quit smoking before the price of cigarettes went crazy. I wish I never started smoking.
One pack is about 6.50 bucks now over here with all the penalty taxes on it. Never got a taste for it either.
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The German ladies loved American cigarettes and ice cream! And the big thing over there was Jim Beam. Preferred over Jack Daniels. Cigarettes, coffee, tea, and gasoline was only available at greatly reduced prices to GI's with a (monthy quota limit) ration card. There was a few other items that were rationed but I don't remember what they were.
Silk stockings

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That was rather around 1946 I guess.:laughing4:
By the way I happen to have to deal with a few results of GIs "missing in action" who had disco- encounters with German ladies in my area as to pay for the upbringing of their kids with German tax money.
But after all you freed us from Adi Hitler, and we only have a few of these cases. :)
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You got the joke. Wonder how many others here had that one fly right over their heads.

Not here. LOL!!! Probably the most sought after item Post War except for food. And of course smokes, American whiskey and candy. Shelter and fuel to stay warm of course.