Old Man with a Hat
I've been to Disney, magic place indeed, they got all the money out of my pockets and gave me a ride to the airport.
Probably the single most dramatic private endeavor to literally change an entire state. As a kid when I was down here, Orlando was a small town with no airport.
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How do you have such liberal policies when run by republicans? Was Jeb really a progressive in disguise? I'm all for no income tax however.
Was it REALLY by choice??
It wasn't a long range plan to herd the entire senior population into one convenient location surrounded on three sides by water? Florida?
Make us come willingly by enacting laws here that seniors gravitate to like lambs? No income tax. The most liberal Medicare standards in the country?
A DMV that will never take you off the road?
Choice? Lemmings. Path of least resistance.
Agenda 21.
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It all depends WHERE in Florida. I wouldn't give you 5 cents for 99% of it. Where I am just happens to be the Garden of Eden. Utopia, Paradise, and Shangri-la all rolled into one. I refuse to drive further than the County line.
This picture was taken two days ago..
Old people dictate everything that goes on here.
We rule.
We're lacking on nudie bars though. Badly....