But Why?

I'd be praying up a storm.
WtF else would you do. Sit there calmly, drink your beverage, eat the peanuts, and gaze out the window?
That's exactly what they are doing, Fred. There's no other options unless you've had a lobotomy.
My last minutes on earth I am not speaking useless words to an invisible fictitious man in the sky, that people made up to make themselves feel better because they are insecure.
Bullshit. When you're in a smoked filled cabin plummeting to earth surrounded by a 150 screaming hysterical passengers, you're just going to put on the oxygen bag, lie back, and think happy thoughts? This is the one time I'm calling you out.
Or did you actually have a lobotomy...
This is not about whether you believe there is a God or not.
Nor is it about whether you believe in God or not.
It's not about God.
It's about shitting your pants and praying your *** off while in a plummeting jet.
While you're standing in front of a firing squad facing impending death, that's another story....
I don't believe in God.
You bet your *** I'll be praying.........
NO I WONT.........!!! WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND? If I dont believe in something why would I do it? Especially at that point...After my age of reason kicked in at about 2 I havent believed since. So in my dieing moment you want me to waste my last minute on that nonsense? Get frickin real Stan.....
Interesting question. Hysterical panic and screaming or otherwise losing it I can buy ... praying not so much. At least I hope I wouldn't betray my convictions under duress.
Fine, Dave.
I know you are truly convicted in your feelings.
I just don't know how anyone can predict what they really would do in such a catastrophic situation.
Saying you "WILL NOT..." is unreasonable for anyone to believe.
I don't know what you really will do. I will never know because you won't be around to tell me.
I don't know what I'd really do, either. I'm guessing the gallons of andenoline gushing involuntarily out of my brain short circuiting all my synapses and sending every muscle into spasms would be most likely the scenario. That's would happen to most people.
I keep forgetting you're not most people.
We need to sit down witha beer and a Pepsi and discuss further what we would do in a falling plane.
When the Space Shuttle Challenger was plumetting to Earth for about 90 seconds, the voice recordings from the Challenger were sealed by NASA for eternity citing that they were too gruesome to release...
Hey I'm agnostic too, but this got a little out of hand, wouldn't you say? You never discuss religion or politics in public... too many opinions
When the Space Shuttle Challenger was plumetting to Earth for about 90 seconds, the voice recordings from the Challenger were sealed by NASA for eternity citing that they were too gruesome to release...
No ****? Really....for an eternity? I would have thought with all that conditioning and scenario training they would remain reasonably calm......at least until the very last seconds when it was clear it was totally over.
We need to ban politics, religion, and all other philosophical topics on FCBO.
Hey, I saw an interesting '71 Fury last week........
We need to ban politics, religion, and all other philosophical topics on FCBO.
Hey, I saw an interesting '71 Fury last week........

Did you see it on your way to the Governors fund raiser after leaving Church last Sunday ? :eek:s_dancing2: