C Body Dry Dock

Yes. Tough to get any real Formal appreciation over there.
Or any respect if you're over 60 now...

Hoping everything's OK over there, there are precious few of us C-Body enthusiasts around and we need to preserve all the information we can. Some great posts over there on the 73 Disc conversion, some great build threads, etc.
Does anybody have contact info for the guy in charge over there?
Does anybody have contact info for the guy in charge over there?

Not me. Ive tried to buy the site before but he didn't want to sell. Im still interested in it, so let them know over there... :)
If I had anything negative to say about the 'Doc. it would be that every time I've given information that answered a specific question perfectly, I've never gotten so much as a BY YOUR LEAVE SIR or heaven forbid a thank you. IZ it the age of most of the participants in the hobby now, or iz it maybe my age. I enjoy playing it forward. To me knowledge in the hobby iz the best gift I can leave the younger set. Damn shame most of the new the the hobby folkz never learned what real networking waz before the Internet...Soap box time over, Jer