I am amazed the U.S. still uses English units 50 yrs after I was in high school, but we seem to be regressing in many ways. Gas stations did switch overnight to pricing in $/liter during the 1970's oil embargo, but that was to assuage their less than literate customers.
Forget the yelling across w/ Billy-Bob method. In the 1990's, I checked my 1965 Newport's speedometer after a rebuild by driving at exactly 60 mph "indicated" and timing between two mileage markers on the highway. Of course, GPS makes that easier today. There is a little arm at the bottom (where spring grounds) that I pushed back and forth until it took exactly 60 sec between mileage markers. No wasted gas, I did so during my commute. Of course, it then wasn't perfect at 30 mph, but most people need best accuracy around 60 mph. For major changes, you need to get a different speedo pickup wheel. That is usually needed if you change rear-end gear ratio, but perhaps also w/ different rear tire OD.
I have seen photos of factory pickups that mount in-line w/ the speedo cable, as part of cruise control I recall. There may also be after-market pickups that sense driveshaft rotation. If you ran that to a digital kph dash display, that would be perfect.