Canadian Wild Fires


Illegitimi non carborundum
FCBO Gold Member
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Marcellus, NY
The smoke from the wild fires in Quebec is hanging heavy over our area. It's bad... Hazy and eye burning.

I was planning on doing some washing and waxing this afternoon... I'm staying inside.
it's bad in eastern ct as well. with all the wildfires, this year and last, plus all the deforestation in south america and russia, i'm having to wonder where our oxygen will be coming from. but let's ban gas stoves and do away with nuclear power. destroy all the cattle herds because they emit too much methane. the people governing this world have completely lost touch with reality. in ct, the dmv is clearing All the trees from ALL the states rights of way. that's got to be just great for the enviroment!
Sad times indeed. Minnesota just made College free for illegal immigrants (at taxpayer expense). If youve lived in the state for 12 months and a day, illegals get a free ride 4 years at the U of Minnesota or wherever else they choose to go! I'm paying $36k+ for my kid every year right now. F'n Democrats. US Government no longer represents the citizens.
Politics aside....

They've cancelled the local cruise nights and 3 of my grand daughters had softball games that were cancelled because of the smoke.

It's a little better than what it was earlier today... But not much.

We've been having bad pollen too, so bad you wash a car and an hour later it's covered in yellow pollen. With both.... It's really bad for the sinuses.
Wildfires suck. The wife and I used to watch the "free air show" of water bombers every summer when we lived in Black Canyon City, AZ. They would get pretty close to our town. Close enough that I had a 13hp gas powered firefighting pump next to my pool.
I flew to NY today Stopping over in Detroit and both places are horribly smoky. Sure hope it clears out soon.
My mother lives 2 hrs southeast of buffalo ny, talked to her sunday and was pretty bad then, shes 85, staying indoors for now!
This was the bright mid-day sun here in Calgary a few weeks ago.

It's even worse this morning. Dark and very hazy outside.

They been giving air quality warnings, even telling dog owners to limit their time outside to less than 20 minutes. The schools have cancelled all outside activities.
its even found its way down here to North Carolina...they've got a red air quality alert in Charlotte
We have an Air Quality Alert for much of central and northeastern Oklahoma today, primarily for ozone; but the smoke is even starting to affect the Southern Plains. The jet shifted to the Southeast yesterday, bringing that smoke further South and East. We're expecting rain for much of this week, so we'll get a dirty rain through the weekend. Cottonwood pollen is 100% out in force now, too, just to make things semi-unbearable. The pollen allergies are running rampant with me right now. If my job were outdoors, I'd be miserable beyond my normal level of misery!

@Big_John - Your air quality forecast for tomorrow says "not available"...somehow, this conjures up a situation where all of the air gets sucked up and there is suddenly none left!
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It's been a little hazy here, this was the moon last night.
