Can't Be Too Careful - Sad Day!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2018
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Nice day, took the GTO for a drive, Fury in shop, and lunch. A short distance from my cozy outdoor restaurant, a fully restored, very nice 1956 Studebaker Falcon pulls out on the street and gets hit by a van with it's blinker on to make a turn; NO TURN! Totaled the Studebaker; front totaled and frame bent! Talked to the owner, sad day! Motorcycles and Classic Cars can never drive careful enough! Drove home very slowly and cautiously! Take care folks!
Yeah........Sad news for sure! With all the idiots out there texting and otherwise not paying attention to what they are doing these days, everyone is at risk. Thankfully he didn't get totaled along with his car.
That's too bad. At the end of the day, it's a car and the people involved are still with us.

When I taught my kids to drive, I always told them to never depend on someone turning because their signal is on. I also told them to be careful when they do signal as some people will assume you are turning somewhere besides where you are turning. An example is my driveway. Since I live on a corner, people assume I'm turning at the corner and not into my driveway.
That's too bad. At the end of the day, it's a car and the people involved are still with us.

When I taught my kids to drive, I always told them to never depend on someone turning because their signal is on. I also told them to be careful when they do signal as some people will assume you are turning somewhere besides where you are turning. An example is my driveway. Since I live on a corner, people assume I'm turning at the corner and not into my driveway.
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