Casting call for Cs (and other)


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
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Clawson (Detroit suburb), MI
Producers of the NETFLIX series "Mindhunter" are looking to use cars in the series.
If you are near Pittsburgh and have a drive-able mid '60's through '70's car, they may be able to use your beloved ride. Would be nice to see C bodies represented! And they pay.

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Actor beware..... there are a LOT of horror stories about what production companies have done to vintage cars. There ARE exceptions, but by and large your beloved ride is just another prop to a film production company. Not to spoil the fun, being in a flick with your ride CAN be a great time, but be VERY careful (there WILL be a contract - READ it), about what the car is used for, and my advice would be to not, under any circumstances, allow it to be out of your sight during filming, or more importantly, to be driven by anyone besides yourself.......
I’ll have to check the show out.
So! For Shits and Grins I emailed them. Here the response: in case anyone’s curious.

Hi John

Thank you for submitting your vehicle. I will let you know as soon as we have potential dates where background cars will be needed.

The pay rate is
$175.00 - Parked (12 hours)
$255.00 - Driven (8 hours) by owner

Thanks Again

Ted Martin
Mindhunter Casting
So! For Shits and Grins I emailed them. Here the response: in case anyone’s curious.

Hi John

Thank you for submitting your vehicle. I will let you know as soon as we have potential dates where background cars will be needed.

The pay rate is
$175.00 - Parked (12 hours)
$255.00 - Driven (8 hours) by owner

Thanks Again

Ted Martin
Mindhunter Casting
That doesn't sound too bad on the surface.
So! For Shits and Grins I emailed them. Here the response: in case anyone’s curious.

Hi John

Thank you for submitting your vehicle. I will let you know as soon as we have potential dates where background cars will be needed.

The pay rate is
$175.00 - Parked (12 hours)
$255.00 - Driven (8 hours) by owner

Thanks Again

Ted Martin
Mindhunter Casting

That wouldn't be enough to entice me to let my cars to be used. I can make more than the 8 hours driven by owner sitting in my office on a Saturday for 4 hours. For Mon-Fri that scale isn't close for a normal working day. As for parked am I going to sit around watching my car for 12 hours? No and neither would anyone else be allowed to watch my car so that category is even worse.
I'll go ahead and share my experience in lending my car for TV use. In 2005, Meguiar's contacted the Southern California Chapter of the GTOAA inquiring about a '64 GTO to be used on stage at the Kodak Theater for the annual Meguiar's Awards. There was no compensation at the time and I was assured I could be with the car the entire time they unloaded and loaded the car onto the stage. Being as there was no monetary compensation, I requested a case of their Quick Detailer which I was assured I would get. After the event, when I picked up my car, there was a 1" scratch on the lower left quarter panel which Meguiar's did not repair and when I got my case of Quick Detailer shipped to me (post event) I got a case of these (which I had ZERO use for):


When contacting them about the swag I received, I got the cold shoulder. I since switched from using Meguiar's Car Care Products to Adams Polishes. Overall, the experience was pretty neat save the scratch and getting screwed over. I definitely would not do it again. Here are some pics:




That wouldn't be enough to entice me to let my cars to be used. I can make more than the 8 hours driven by owner sitting in my office on a Saturday for 4 hours. For Mon-Fri that scale isn't close for a normal working day. As for parked am I going to sit around watching my car for 12 hours? No and neither would anyone else be allowed to watch my car so that category is even worse.

I was just putting the information out there since the thread was created with interest. But some people may not be looking for the money, some might just like the exposure and bragging rights..
I was assured I could be with the car the entire time they unloaded and loaded the car onto the stage.
After the event, when I picked up my car, there was a 1" scratch on the lower left quarter panel which Meguiar's did not repair
Presumably you couldn't be with the car the entire time for this to happen?
I was just putting the information out there since the thread was created with interest. But some people may not be looking for the money, some might just like the exposure and bragging rights..

Thank’s for the thread.
Always wondered where hollywood comes up with period correct cars.
I have read the occasional horror story of a classic vehicle abused and returned to owner in a mess.
Took me a while to find this, the relevant conversation is at 4:23 but the whole video is pretty cool for car guys and "American Graffiti fans.

Very important to watch your car and be very aware of the intent if you do have your car in a movie. Not everyone on set is a car guy.

All that said, if mine were done, I'd try to get it in a movie, just for kicks.

I was just putting the information out there since the thread was created with interest. But some people may not be looking for the money, some might just like the exposure and bragging rights..

I was fortunate enough to have four of the Newps used in the film Taking Woodstock, and I got lucky and ran across a fifth Newp on the set which I ended up buying from the owner.

This was the summer/fall of 2008, at that time I received $250 per day per car. I gave my drivers $100 each. So I cleared $700 per day for a total of 13 days. And they fed us top notch food all day.

Overall, it was a really cool experience even though the movie was a flop. Very interesting to see how films are made.

As previously stated, most everything on a movie set is treated like a bale of hay-it's just a prop. I/we stayed with the car(s) the whole time and didn't have any major issues.

The scenes with my cars are glances for the most part, but it was awesome to go to a theatre and see myself on the big screen.

I ran into Liev Schreiber dressed in drag at one of the refreshment stations.

And, I handed Ang Lee the ice cream scoop at lunch one day.
