I had recently gotten a Single Side Band modern CB radio in Dec. by Uniden, a 980 used from a CB shop I found in Saratoga NY a few months ago. Nice older guy with a big tower at his house with a few antennas on it, and a beam antenna too he could rotate. His shop and store were in his basement. He is a retired aviation radio tech and services and modifies CB and Ham stuff now. Nice guy. Here's a pic of my new to me used radio, not actual pic but looks the same. 65 bucks and all gone through by him.
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I bought a 1/2 wave dipole antenna for it and 50ft 213 coax. Then I listened,,and listened ,,,nothing. No local traffic in my area but that's not the reason I got back into CB this time. I was waiting for some skip. Skip on the 11 meter band [cb] and other bands has been very poor. What little I know it has a great deal to do with sun spot activity. I moved the antenna around etc and dead as a doornail with a few distant transmissions that I couldn't make out. Weeks went by and I thought this is most likely a dead end. Guys on CB forums were like "Yeah skip is down and has been for awhile" They showed me grafs about sunspot activity and we were at the bottom of a basically 11 cycle and the only direction it can go now is up. Ok ,,fine but at this point I don't even know if my radio works! Put it in my truck and channel 19 went by the Mass Pike ,,yup it's fine.
I would go out to my garage and check at least once a day and nothing. Would hear the Superbowl in the distance a few times [channel 6 with nut cases running thousands of watts to say nothing].
THEN last week heard some stuff on 38 lower side band from FLA, GA, NC, SC bombing in!!! Lots of guys calling out. It was brief but I made my first contact with a guy in western NC. At that point he said no known cases of Corona in his area yet and then I lost him. April 1st skip started in my area again for awhile. Long story short I was in touch with a guy in New Brunswick Canada. He sounded like he was next door! He heard me well also. I am running a small Linear amp ,a RM Italy KL203. It gives me around 100 watts I think.
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Well since I don't want to stay at home all the time I ordered a supposedly very good large CB antenna for my truck so I can park on MT Greylock or something around here and see how far I can reach. Here is the antenna.
A lot of 10 meter Ham guys I guess us this too.
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Anyways ,it's rainy and still rather cold to work in the garage ,high 30's low 40's so I have time to type this in. Low key day. Hope some will find this a little interesting. Stay safe guys!