Cheesehead's can relate!!!

My Daily Driver is a Little Mazda 626 (1990) and I'm a Man of Large Proportions (5'10", 160 Kg)
Anything Longer than an Hour behind the Wheel & I'm in Continual Pain from Arthritis & Lack of Room to Stretch.
This Pandemic has Given me a Huge Urge to go for a Looong Drive in the Country. (Maybe even a couple of Weeks driving Holiday around Tasmania).
But until such time as I Finally get my Project on the Road...........
Anyway Your Post has Reminded Me of What I have to Look Forward to.
(We All Need something to Look Forward to. As We get Older, We seem to lose our Enthusiasm for Life as the Years Progress).
You Have Imparted Joy & a Sense of Anticipation into an Old Man's Heart, something that is Always Welcome.
Bless You. Tony.M