In 1979, I had a '72 Datsun 510 sedan. Great little car that got 44 mpg, but it was slow getting 0 to 60!!. I took it bracket racing one Saturday, and followed my brother in his '68 Barracuda Formula S 340 four-speed car, and my brother-in-law and his '69 Dart Swinger 340 automatic. I had dialed in a time of 22.22 in the quarter, and ran a total of five runs at exactly 22.22. Everyone that raced me broke out of their bracket by as little as .01 seconds! I was pissin' people off with my consistency! Then the final...a guy brought his '68 Peterbilt cabover tandem. He dialed in at guessed it, a 22.22! There we were. Light turns green. And I'm sure we were the slowest race ever great n at that track! I won! The cabover broke HIS time by .02 seconds, and I took home the trophy! I still have that trophy in my shop. I was pretty proud of that, too.